Saturday, August 17, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day.


Swami Sivananda
One should not hurt any living being, for the same God dwells in all. A Jivanmukta or a liberated sage is ever peaceful and blissful. He has equal vision and balance of mind. He who bathes in the Ganges purifies seven descendants. As long as the bones of a man touch the Ganges water, so long that man is adored in heaven. Three things are very difficult to obtain, viz., the birth of a man (Manushyatvam), desire for liberation (Mumukshutwam) and the company of great souls (Maha Purusha Sanga). The whole world is the manifestation of the Lord. Just as a lump of salt has neither inside nor outside and is the same in taste, so also has this Atman or Soul neither inside nor outside and is nothing but knowledge. 
Each Sadhaka should bear in mind that Divine life is to be lived in small details. If you are
divine in small details you can be divine in big things. Unless you are careful in your day-to-day life
and mould your life in accordance with your idealism, it cannot bear fruit
Swami Chidananda

All the things in the world appear as a congealed form of universal power. There are no persons, no things, no objects, ultimately. They are concentrated pressure-points of universal force.

- Swami Krishnananda

Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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