Wednesday, June 5, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Fear makes the face pale and the eyes express a peculiar ghastly, listless look. Parents and teachers should infuse the spirit of courage in their sons and students from the very boyhood. They should ask them to read stories from ancient scriptures which deal with the chivalrous acts of great warriors. Boys have got pliable and elastic minds. They can be manipulated well at this period of life. Celibacy gives tremendous strength and infuses courage to some extent,

WORSHIPFUL Spiritual Presence! Beloved Gurudev! We bow to thee at this moment
of early dawn! And by your infinite love and compassion and grace towards all, you have drawn
us together in this hour of early morning spiritual fellowship in thy presence, to cleanse
ourselves, to purify ourselves, to sanctify and to transform ourselves, to uplift our spirits and
inspire and elevate our entire being to enter into this gift of the new day that thou hast given to
us, to make it a further step towards that ideal of perfection which the ancient sages and seers of
Vedic India have placed before all humankind, before the global human family, as the supreme
ultimate goal of life. That goal is to become perfect, eternally free, fearless. That goal is to attain
the Bhuma or the completeness or the Plenum of Plutonius. That goal is to reach the Paripurna
Avastha, the fullness, the Paripurnata that Brahman has been known to be. May this day become
one more step, a step further, a step higher towards that great and glorious destiny of divine
perfection that is eternal, inalienable, pristine, shorn of all imperfection, devoid of all
weaknesses, defects and drawbacks. We thank thee, Gurudev, with the fullness of a grateful
heart for this daily opportunity, this daily occasion to thus start the day on the right note, to thus
commence this lap of twenty-four hours of our journey towards immortality with the right foot,
so that everything in this day becomes suffused and infilled by the divine quality that is our
essential nature, so that our life becomes truly an expression of our inward Reality, so that our
life becomes truly dynamic, an active manifestation through thought, word and action of our
inner truth, of the eternal fact of our godliness. For this we give thanks.
Swami Chidananda.

Never be in a hurry in the practice of yoga. Take only one step if it becomes necessary; do not try to make a hurried movement. Quality is important, not quantity.

- Swami Krishnananda

Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare



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