Saturday, May 11, 2024



RAdhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Be on the alert. Have an alert attitude. Be on the lookout. Be ever ready. Be circumspect. Be watchful. Be vigilant. You will always attain success in all undertakings and spiritual practices. 'Prompt' expresses readiness for appointment or demand at the required moment. The good General is ready for emergencies, alert to perceive opportunity or peril, prompt to seize the occasion. Let a pastor live in a state of alertness towards all resources of oratorical knowledge. Let a magistrate alertly perform his part. Drowsy, dull, heavy, inactive, sluggish, stupid are the opposites of 'alert.

Knowledge, knower and the thing to be known together consiitute the seed of this world. This triad is the driving force of all activities of man.

- Swami Sivananda

Samskaras Strengthen By Repetition
Therefore one truth comes out of this. If a desire comes and if you fulfil it, then that
Samskara which caused that desire gets more strengthened. Therefore, a great truth has to be kept in
mind by the aspirants; that by fulfilling a desire, the desire never ends. You can never put an end to
desires by fulfilling them. Just as the hungry flames will not subside by any amount of ghee poured
on it, similarly the desire gets strengthened by fulfilment. Gurudev has beautifully expressed it. He
says, “Non-cooperate with the mind.” Do not fulfil desires, when they arise in the mind. It is the
nature of the mind to desire. Mind and desire are synonymous terms. Therefore, when desires come,
do not fulfil them. That is the only way of attaining mastery over the mind. This is the key to success
in mind-control, mind-mastery. Do not fulfil desires when they arise. Countless desires may arise;
be silent. Do not say, ‘Come along, I will fulfil it.’ It is only when you make the mistake of saying,
“I am the mind,” “I am desiring,” you commit a blunder. Just as a dog which is troublesome outside
is kept in a room, similarly, you should lock the mind inside. Only when the mind is purified, it
becomes your guide. Till then non-cooperate with it. Then the mind will cease to be the mover of
man, but man will become the mover of the mind. You should be the independent mover of the
mind. Then you become Manojit or Indriyajit. That is what an aspirant has to become a conqueror
of the mind and senses. Therefore, understand this law.
Swami Chidananda
Chant  the Maha Mantra.
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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