Wednesday, May 8, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day.


Swami Sivananda
A man of adaptability can pull on with anybody in any part of the world. People unconsciously love a man of adaptability. Adaptability gives immense strength and profound joy. Adaptability develops will. A man of adaptability has to make some sacrifice. He should sacrifice his egoism. That egoistic, proud man finds it very difficult to adapt himself. He is always in trouble. He always fails in his attempts. Egoism and pride are two important and insurmountable obstacles in the way of developing adaptability. Adaptability kills selfishness. It develops the feeling of oneness or unity of life.

Gyana is knowledge obtained through study of scriptures. This is indirect knowledge (Paroksha). Vijnana is direct knowledge (Aparoksha) or personal experience (Anubhava) through Selfrealisation.

- Swami Sivananda

Study The Mind
In this way, the more we understand the machinery, the more we will be able to deal with it,
with all its subtle tricks and under-currents, and we will be able to make use of the mind as an
effective instrument of Sadhana instead of its being a constant obstacle inside ourselves. All the
most ideal conditions may be given to a Sadhaka. He may have ideal surroundings, ideal company,
all books, yet if he does not do this important task of trying to understand the mysterious nature of
the workings of the mind and try to lessen his Vasanas and strengthen his will-power, he cannot
make use of anything. He cannot make use of his Guru. He cannot make use of his Ekantata,
because they have to be made use of only through the mind and if the mind is not controlled,
cultivated, he cannot make use of these. But once that is done he can make use of all that God has
given. Even a sentence from a scripture is enough to raise a flood of spiritual consciousness within
him. Therefore, understand the mind, study the mind and know this machinery well, and know also
how to manage it. This is an important part of Yoga, an important part of Vedanta, an important part
of Sadhana, or divine life. In the beginning of one’s practice, all these are important. When one has
practised all these, God-realisation is easy. They say that God-realisation is so easy that it can be
attained within the time taken to squeeze a flower, once you are completely rid of all impurities,
when you have become an Uttama Adhikari. For that you have to patiently work, and the more we
devote our time with humility, sincerity and earnestness to a study of our own being and this
machinery which is inside, the mind, and the more attention we give, having a knowledge of this
Yogic instrument, the more we will be able to succeed in the path of Yoga and Vedanta and living a
divine life.
Swami Chidananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare



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