Sunday, May 5, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
The wife does not know how to adapt herself with her husband. She displeases her husband and makes room for quarrels in the house and gets a divorce. So also with the husband. The clerk does not know how to adapt himself with his boss or superior. He quarrels with him and gets an immediate sack. The businessman does not know how to adapt himself with the customers and therefore loses his customers and business. The world runs on adaptability. He who knows the art or science of adaptability gets on quite well in this world and is always happy under all conditions of life. It does not need much wisdom and ingenuity for developing adaptability.

Prarabdha is a bundle of past actions which has given rice to the present birth. Sanchita ii the storehouse of accumulated actions. Kriyamana or Agamya are actions that are done in the present life.

- Swami Sivananda

Remove Identification With Desires
These are the commonsense methods which a man who wants to live a life of Yoga and
practical Vedanta should have as his equipment. As I told you, we cannot run away from our senses
and mind.
We have, therefore, to understand the working of the mind, and therefore, when a Vritti
arises, do not think about it, let it sink back. Do not imagine. It is imagination that strengthens it. Do
not identify yourself with the desire, and if the worse comes to the worst, if the desire is strong, be
stubborn, do not give expression to it. Gurudev has always said, “Try always to nip the desire in the
bud. When a desire comes in the form of a ripple, try to liquidate it then and there itself. But if due to
lack of your vigilance it takes the form of a desire, see that it is not fulfilled. Do not make Cheshta
outwardly. If a desire comes, ‘I could go and gossip,’ say, ‘No,’ “I will not allow the body to move.”
If the body does not move, the mind is helpless, and ultimately the reverse process will happen. The
desire will sink back into the mind and there will be calmness.
Swami Chidananda
Chant  the Maha Mantra.
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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