Tuesday, May 28, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
His mind ever vacillates, oscillates and fluctuates, on account of passion. Inconstancy makes you imperfect, fills you with faults and makes you ran through sins. The man of inconstancy has no peace of mind. He is never at ease. His life is unequal. Today he loves you, tomorrow he detests you. This morning he is joyful and laughs; this evening he weeps and is sorrowful. Cultivate resolution, firmness and steadiness, and conquer inconstancy, the cause for unhappiness and misfortune. Be firm, be steady, be resolute: you will attain success in all your undertakings. You will have neither anxiety nor disappointment.

Turn within. Tear the veil of ignorance. This ignorance or veil makes you forget your essential divine nature.

- Swami Sivananda
For this auto-suggestion, there are two obstacles. Firstly, the impurities of mind and the
vices of the social environment stand as obstacles. Two methods are prescribed for overcoming
them. One is thinking of the opposite—Pratipaksha Bhavana. This is a method in which by
constantly denying the presence of that which you wish to remove and asserting the presence of that
which you wish to gain, i.e., asserting the opposite of your present vice, you grow into the nature of
the virtues and the vice disappears. The other is the law that positive always overcomes the
negative. Therefore, a set of positive assertions are constantly prescribed to be made. This
overcomes the negative state of Dehadhyasa, that is your identification with the Indriyas, your
identification with the body and the mind, and then the identification with the Atman is reasserted.
Again there is one great weight which holds down the mind from soaring into Atmic realms, that is
the heavy one of Upadhis. They have got very powerful effect on mind. You are pure Atman, not
the names and forms. Your essential nature is Satchidananda. But this Upadhi of body makes you
think you are a person of limited strength. The first is the body Upadhi. This Upadhi has got other
Upadhis. The moment you put on Western dress, your thoughts immediately plunge into Western
channels, you begin to think in English, your whole line of thought becomes materialistic. The
moment you put on a very fashionable and rich kind of dress, at once the egoism is puffed up. All
these Upadhis limit the mind and hold it down. The power of Upadhis has also to be considered and
in order to counteract them, Sattvic Upadhis are purposely prescribed. Man is asked to take
Sannyasa. He is asked to wear ochre-coloured cloth. That gives a powerful colouring to the mind.
He is asked to be in a room where the whole atmosphere is charged with spirituality. He is asked to
do Japa, Kirtan and meditation. The mental Upadhis also are to be made Sattvic. He should do it
through auto-suggestion, through Pratipaksha Bhavana, through always trying to be positive in his
ways of thinking and through voluntarily taking over Divine Upadhis. The colouring of the mind
should be made divine.
Swami Chidananda 
Chant  the Maha Mantra.
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare



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