Saturday, April 20, 2024


Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Cultivate good habits. Goodness is a habit. Goodness of nature is an inclination. Without goodness, man is a brute or a vermin. He is a mischievous, wretched, despicable being on this holy earth. Even a little good thinking and a little doing good are highly beneficial. It will lead to eternal bliss. Then why not try a little good thinking and good doing, even from now? Goodness makes life a blessing. Goodness will bring sure success and prosperity. To be good is to be human. To be good is divine. A good deed is never lost. It purifies the heart and leads to the dawn of divine light and divine grace. He who shows courtesy reaps friendship. He who plants kindness reaps love. Goodness is love in action. It is noble to be good. Goodness is the greatest virtue. Every good deed is a grain of the seed of immortality or eternal life..

A teacher who is versed in the scriptures and who has knowledge of the scriptures only, but who has no direct Self-realisation, will not be able to help you in the attainment of Self-realisation.

- Swami Sivananda
Cleansing The Mind
If as a result of your introspection you find in your mind certain things which are not
desirable, you should find out the means of removing those defects. As I said, first of all, you must
be impartial and should not try to justify what you find inside. Self-justification, self-approbation is
not what is meant by introspection. You should go with a critical, fault-finding spirit, and once you
find out your defects, be practical. Have some practical device to remove the defects. You should
find out how to make the best capital out of what you have discovered in your moments of
self-introspection and Sadhana. This is the practical aspect of Kriya Yoga. Thorough purification
can only come if there is thorough, impartial introspection and practical steps are taken by you to
remove the defects. This introspection should be done daily. Daily you should throw out some
rubbish. Then only Kriya Yoga will become effective. I would say that Kriya Yoga the most
important. This is like the foundation. Without foundation you cannot put up the building. So
self-introspection, self-analysis, eradication of vices, development of virtues and being established
in Sadachara come under Kriya Yoga.
Swami Chidananda
Chant  the Maha Mantra.
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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