Saturday, March 30, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Continence or celibacy, which is, in its dynamic aspect, called purity, constitutes perfect self-control; absence of greed, lust and anger; equality, peace and harmony. Continence or celibacy is not mere bachelorhood. Spiritual practices require tremendous energy and nerve power. This energy is acquired through the earnest practice of continence or conservation of vital fluid. Warfare with the turbulent senses and the treacherous mind can be successfully carried on only with the strength and power born of perfect continence. 

Death is not the end and birth is not the beginning. Death knows no time, nor respects rank or position.

- Swami Sivananda
What Is Mind
The vast number of people know only that mind is thought. Mind is something with which
we think. It is not so easy like that. Even if you do not want to think, the mind will simply think. It
thinks of objects. It was a very hot and sultry day in the school. Suddenly a boy got tired and he got
bored, and he gave a piercing whistle. When the teacher questioned him why he did it, the boy
replied, “I did not whistle. It whistled itself.” Similarly the mind is thinking its own thoughts every
minute. As long as the mind is producing thoughts, the mind cannot concentrate. You have to divert
it to God. But how to do it? Why does the mind wander about? All these an aspirant has to
understand. A Karma Yogin has to understand it, a Jnana Yogin has to understand it, a Bhakti Yogin
has to understand it.
You have to understand it whether you are alone or amidst people. On the other hand, when
you are alone, mind gets an opportunity to have its full play. What is this mysterious thing which is
such a problem for the Sadhaka, without which he cannot do Sadhana but which, if not managed,
pulls him down? How does the mind work? If we could have a basic knowledge of its nature, then
we can hope of devising some means of gaining control over it.
=Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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