Saturday, March 23, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Never swerve from truth. Have no compromise with half-truth. Many forms of satisfaction and so-called harmless untruths have become part and parcel of present-day social life. Flattery is a form of untruth. You do not mean what you utter, but shamelessly utter it just to obtain some favour of the other person. Exaggeration is another form of falsehood. You indulge in exaggeration just to create sensation and gain importance. Duplicity is another despicable sin against truth. 
Mind Makes Heaven And Hell
Whatever you are, you cannot run away from yourself. If you think that family bondage is a
great obstacle for living a life of Nivritti, you can shake off family. You can run away from your
home or city. All right. You can become an Avadhoota (naked Sadhu). You can take off pant and
coat, and wear only a Kaupeena. If you think that the company of men is not congenial, you can
renounce their company. In fact, many people come here on account of bad company obtaining in
the towns, but here also they complain of bad company. If you do not want to prepare roti, you have
to stand before someone who prepares roti. All right, you go away from family, from things and
from company of people, but the peculiar thing is that you cannot run away from yourself, and what
does it mean? You have to take your tongue, you have to take all the senses with you, and together
with your senses you have to take the habits to which the senses are slaves. If you are a tobacco
addict, then you will feel the tobacco call even if you go to Uttarkashi and thus you take all the
senses with you. You take all your habits and idiosyncrasies wherever you go and you take your
mind with you, With its Raga-Dvesha, love and hatred.
Swami Chidananda

Sadhana is not any kind of bodily action that is outwardly directed, but is rather a state of mind, a condition of thinking, a consciousness in which one lives.

- Swami Krishnananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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