Tuesday, March 19, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Virtue is the most precious treasure. Acquire this treasure in abundance. Virtue is the golden key, the gate of the abode of Eternal Bliss. The three great virtues are courage, benevolence and purity. Cultivate the divine virtues such as purity, courage, humility, self-restraint, non-violence, truth, mercy, faith, etc. Be virtuous. You are on the way to wisdom. In the garden of your heart plant the lily of love, the rose of purity, the Champaka of courage, the Mandara of humility, and lady-of-the-night of compassion.

Forget not the goal of life amidst selfish activities. The goal of life is Self-realisation. That day in which you do not practise any spiritual Sadhana is wasted.

- Swami Sivananda
What Is Divine Living
What is Yoga-Vedanta? What is divine living? Yoga-Vedanta is the concern of divine life.
Divine life is a life based upon Yoga and pervaded by the spirit of Vedanta. This is divine life, and it
is made up of selflessness, service, Sadhana and self-realisation. So Yoga and Vedanta form the
very fabric of divine life, or the stuff out of which divine life is made. Naturally, therefore, the more
we know about it, the more we are reminded about its important aspects, the better equipped we will
be in order to live the divine life, because the most important thing about divine life is in the living
of it, not so much in the knowing of it. But the importance of knowing lies in the plain fact that if
you have to live it, you must know something of it, so that with this knowledge you will be able to
live it more effectively. So knowledge also is necessary, but the most important thing is the living of
it. In the living of a life of Yoga, a life of practical Vedanta, we come across several hurdles, and we
are faced many times with situations which we have to manage with intelligence, with knowledge.
Therefore, discussion of these matters and thorough knowledge about the intricacies, the inner
subtleties of these things, will put us in a very good position so that we may be able to deal with
these situations which crop up before us in our life of Yoga and Vedanta during the course of our
leading the divine life.
Swami Chidananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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