Monday, March 11, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Man is not a creature of circumstances. He is really the architect of circumstances. A man of character builds an existence out of circumstances. He steadily perseveres and plods. He marches forward boldly, and does not look back. He is not afraid of obstacles. He never frets or fumes. He never gets discouraged or disappointed. He is full of vigour, energy, vim and vitality. He is ever zealous and enthusiastic. Character is like an inward spiritual grace of which reputation is an outward and visible sign. Character is what a man is. His record is the sumtotal of his actions. His record will substantially express his character.

Eradicate greed and other selfish cravings. Do not be too much intimate with anybody nor be wanting in friendship. Too much of everything is bad. Therefore, always follow the golden mean.

- Swami Sivananda


Swami ChidanandaVedanta is the grand culmination of all the attempts at giving the Supreme some sort of
recognizable form. It says, “You, of countless names and countless forms, are infinite. You are
everything”. So, conceive of Him in any way. Do not be disturbed. Do not have any anxiety, for He
knows when you are sitting for meditation. He knows. He can see even where you are sitting. When
you start the thought in meditation, He knows even the thought.
Take, for instance, the father of a family, a good man, loved by all, and just imagine how
differently he is conceived of by everyone in the family. The son and the daughter look upon him as
the father, someone gracious, someone elderly, protecting them, looking after them, an ideal to
follow. His brother looks upon him, not as a father, but as a gracious brother. The wife looks upon
him as her master and lord and loving husband. And his own parents look upon him as a son, the
father of their grandchildren. And his neighbour will think of him in a way entirely different from
all these. These conceptions—in the parents’ minds, in the children’s minds, in the brother’s mind,
in the wife’s mind, and in the neighbour’s mind—all differ. So they all have different conceptions
in their minds of this one being and all these are valid and right
Swami Chidananda 
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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