Thursday, March 7, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Actions, looks, words, steps, form the alphabet by which you may spell characters. A man is known by what he loves—friends, places, books, dress, food, thoughts, actions, speech; from these his character is told. Determination to build a definite character in life is needed. This must be followed up with persistent striving. All that Is lasting is your character. You can take nothing else with you save your character when you leave the world. Character is not born. It is formed. The noblest contribution to posterity from a man is his good character. Character lives and abides.

The Dharmakshetra
What are the things we have to understand? Plainly we have to understand facts about Yoga
and Vedanta because these are the ways through which we have to lead our divine life and approach
Divinity and attain bliss. But then what do we mean by Yoga and Vedanta and all such internal
sciences? Where are they? Are they only in the books or are they in particular places like the
Himalayas or Uttarkashi or Mecca or anywhere? Supposing they are there, the next question arises
whether they are only there and nowhere else, or the more important, is it necessary for us to find
their location elsewhere also? They are in the books in one aspect and in some aspect they are in
places like Rishikesh or Mecca. There is a meaning in going to such sacred places, because the
people who lived there have lived their life practically, and they have left the stamp of their life in
the very ether of those places. The whole atmosphere is pervaded by the spirit of Yoga and Vedanta,
and therefore, when you live there, it evokes in you the similar spirit. But the most important place
where all divine life, all Yoga and Vedanta, is to be practised, is the Dharmakshetra which
constitutes of the mind and the heart of man. Divine life has to be lived in the mind and in the heart.
Yoga has to be achieved here (in the heart). Vedanta has to be achieved here, and if it is not here, it
will not be found anywhere else. Vedanta and Yoga have to come from the heart and mind. How are
you to demonstrate your Jnana, Bhakti, selfless service, Yoga? You have to manifest them through
the thoughts that you think, through the words that you utter, and through the actions that you do.
All the scriptures of the world will be of no avail unless you begin to manifest them through your
personal being. Sadhana, Vedanta, Yoga, the whole thing has to be lived here. The most important
locality for all Yoga, Vedanta and divine life is within the man, and therefore one must understand
oneself. One must first of all understand this mysterious Dharmakshetra where all these things have
to be worked out. Then only one will be able to set about in a proper way on the path of Yoga,
Vedanta and divine life
Swami Chidananda

Wherever we are, we are in a spiritual world. All processes are spiritual processes, and all processes are connected with our personal life.

- Swami Krishnananda

Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare



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