Tuesday, March 26, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Inability to control the craving for sense-enjoyment results in breach of the virtue of non-stealing. The real cause of theft is too many desires and cravings and undisciplined senses. When the senses are powerful and the uncontrolled mind wants things, then the pilfering nature enters the mind. Desire and craving blind the ethical sense and blunt the conscience. To abstain from any kind of theft, you must curb your desires, discipline the senses and control the mind.

It is extremely difficult to have a calm and pure mind. But you must have such a mind, if you want to have progress in meditation, if you desire to do Nishkamya Karma Yoga. This is one of the most important qualifications for the aspirant.

- Swami Sivananda
Shave Vasanas
That is why Swamiji says, you have to shave the Vasanas, not merely the head. The
Avadhoota had taken his own mind and Vasanas. He had the sense of mineness. This feeling itself is
the jugglery of the mind. In Hinduism, everything is Brahman Himself—“Sarvam Khalvidam
Brahma.” There is no devil. In all other religions there is a God and there is a devil. Satan is there in
Christianity; Arhiman is there in Parsi’s religion, but in Hinduism, everything is Brahman. Then
where is the devil? It is in the mind only. Therefore, whether you live in Uttarkashi or in Bombay,
you cannot escape your senses and mind, and as long as you do not know how to deal with them,
how to manage them, they will continue to manage you and deal with you in a summary manner,
and what will happen to you ultimately? Your Virakti and all those things will go away. Unless one
delves within and tries to understand the inner machinery, one cannot practise Sadhana
successfully. The inner machinery will follow you wherever you go. You cannot leave it in Bombay
and come and work here; but even then, without mind you cannot think of God; without it you
cannot concentrate and meditate; without it there is no Smarana and Dhyana. Without mind and
emotions, thoughts and feelings, you cannot have Bhava, Bhakti. Therefore, the mind is the
instrument. It is necessary, and at the same time if it is not properly understood and managed, it
becomes your own undoer. Therefore, it is a necessary evil which has to be turned into a boon. How
to purify the Asuddha Manas—the impure mind? Give it battle, punish it, chastise it, purify it and
convert it into Suddha Manas so that it becomes your friend—this is also no less a part of Yoga than
Kirtan, Japa and the like. Every aspirant has to use his intelligence and has to manage the important
task of dealing with senses and the mind. You can manage an unruly thing only if you understand it.
Unless he who drives the horse, knows its habits, he cannot manage it. Therefore, this is a very
important part of Sadhana.
Swami Chidananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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