Monday, March 4, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Stick to non-injury, truthfulness, and continence, if you want to evolve quickly in spirituality. If you are established in non-injury, you have attained all virtues. You cannot practice non-injury without practicing Truth. Non-Injury is the pivot; all virtues revolve round non-injury. Non-Injury is not merely a negative attitude; it is the positive, cosmic love. Non-Injury is cosmic goodwill. Non-injury is true sacrifice. Non-injury is forgiveness. Non-injury is true strength. Truth is the gateway to the Kingdom of God. There is no virtue like truthfulness. Truth stands even when there is no public support. Think truly, speak truly, live truly, and act truly. Thought must agree with your word and word with your deed.

Every living being is a moving temple of God. The supreme Self builds Its temple in the heart of one and all. It is a temple of awakened silence in the shrine of the soul. Realise God first in the temple of your heart. Then realise Him in the temple of universe.

- Swami Sivananda

There is a
photographic record. If anything comes across a sensitive plate, immediately it takes an image of it
and keeps it for ever, but that is only a dead impression. That image which a photographic plate has
taken upon itself cannot come and talk to you. But then, this Samskara is an impression taken by the
mind which has got in itself the capacity to once again recreate in the individual the entire
experience which originally caused it. It is a very important aspect of the nature of a Samskara that
gets into a human mind through any chance contact or activity or experience that the individual
happens to go through. Each Samskara has inherent in it the capacity to once again recreate that
very experience which originally caused it. And you will understand it perfectly if I tell you an
analogy in our external life. What is it? Out of a big tree we get a smaller seed as a product of that
tree. The tree is vast, but the seed is very small. But then, what is the tremendous capacity of this
seed. Even though it looks so small it has got inherent in itself the ability or the power to once again
recreate in all fullness and in all details the entire tree which originally brought it about. Given
proper conditions and given the favourable factors for it to spring into dynamism, this little seed can
once again recreate in entirety all details of the tree which was the cause for its coming into being.
Thus it is with Samskara. Supposing someone gave you something to taste. The actual taste is only
over an area of two inches or three inches on the tongue. Before the thing comes in contact with
your tongue, there is no taste. Once it goes down into the throat there is no taste. You experience the
taste only as long as the thing is on your tongue.
Swami Chidananda 
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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