Monday, February 26, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day.


Swami Sivananda
Righteousness forms the bed-rock of all religions. Righteousness is the divine path. Bliss is for him who is righteous. God is righteousness. Righteousness is good. It is best. Wealth, beauty, honour and youth fade away. But the life of righteousness and wisdom will never decay. Keep up the love for life dedicated to righteousness. Wisdom of the Supreme Lord is the ripe fruit of the beautiful flower of virtue. 

All harsh and rude speech is Himsa. Harsh words to beggars, servants or inferiors is Himsa. To wound the feelings of others by gesture, expression, tone of voice and unkind words is also Himsa. To slight or show deliberate discourtesy to others is wanton Himsa.

- Swami Sivananda
dwelling upon this inner anatomy of the movement of Yoga in man, we also mentioned that if this is
the process, then all Yogas, however much they may differ in their external modes, are necessary to
work out the self-same process, and today we will try to consider how the different Yogas actually
work out the one central process and in what way they set about doing this one process. It is like
this: We find that man expresses himself through his speech and his actions. Whether a man is good
or bad, whether his life is good or bad, can be known only from his speech and actions. If a man is
very animalistic, very impure, he does atrocious acts. All his actions are impure, sinful, harmful. He
brings pain, sorrow and destruction to others. In speech he is harsh. He brings about disgrace upon
people, he insults people, he pains people. Thus through harsh, cruel and wrong words and actions
the Asuric nature of man manifests itself upon this human plane. All manifestation is through action
and speech. But, the Yogins and seers of the past tried to go beyond the actions and the speech of
man. They said, “These speeches and actions are more in the form of manifestations of something
deep inward and we should first of all know whence they spring forth, and trying to trace the actions
and speech of the beings to their source, they found that actions and speech were rooted in thoughts.
It was only what man thought and felt in the mind that became later on expressed in the form of
speech and action. Speech and action, though they were of tremendous import in the external world
and they worked havoc or did wonderful good upon the external field of human life, they were
nothing but the outward symptoms of an inner power and that power was the power of thought. It is
to do researches in the study of thought that they devoted their attention and all their wisdom, and
they found that they were confronted with a very mysterious and complicated array of factors in
their mind. All those arose in their mind and therefore a study of man’s mind was the most
important work of Yoga. Analysis of man’s mind, minute research into the various aspects of the
being of man, how the mind acts, what are its various moods, what is its essential constituent—all
these formed the subject matter of Yogins. They found that mind thinks due to various factors and
its manifestations also depend upon various factors. Now, actions and speeches were traced to their
root, thought, and that was traced to its genesis. Why is it that a certain type of thoughts come in a
mind and not another type of thoughts? What is the thing that sustains thought? They began to make
deeper and deeper research and they came to some marvellous discoveries. What were they? They
found that thought was not totally haphazard. I will give you some very easy examples which will
reveal to you some laws that operate in the realm of each one’s mind. What are these laws?
Swami Chidananda.
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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