Thursday, February 8, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Only One Soul dwells in all beings. Therefore, love all as your own self. To love God is to love all. To love all is to love God. True love is the greatest power on this earth. It rules without sword and binds without a chord. He who realizes the Lord seated in his own heart and in the hearts of all beings, will no more cause injury to any other being. He sees the same Lord in himself and in all beings.

Within the body there is the heart. Within the heart there is a little house. This house has the shape of a lotus. Within the lotus dwells the Atman or Brahman the Eternal.

- Swami Sivananda
Sannyasa is based upon heroism. The real soldier in the Adhyatmic (spiritual) field is he
who has dared to see life as it is, who knows that everything in this world is a transitory dream; and
having the courage of this conviction that the world is unreal, he has risen above the strong bonds of
attachment to sensual objects and has come into the life where the greatest of all struggles has to be
worked out—a struggle against one’s own nature. There is no greater difficulty in the world than to
attempt to wipe out the feeling or consciousness of one’s individual existence—‘I am
good-looking, talented’ and all the hosts of associations and Adhyasas which cling to the normal
human consciousness—and to instil in its place the grand consciousness, ‘I am not this body,’ ‘I am
not this mind,’ ‘I am Satchidananda Atman,’ ‘I am all-pervading and infinite, beyond birth and
death, endowed with countless powers.’ This is real heroism. In trying to do this one has to give
battle to age-old instincts which one has acquired through crores of births through which the
Jiva-consciousness has passed. This is not the struggle of a day. It may well be the struggle of a
lifetime, and many a time one has to face defeat and downfall.
Swami Chidananda 
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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