Friday, January 26, 2024



Radhe krishna,
have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Truthfulness, contentment, self-restraint, non-stealing, purity, control of anger, discrimination between right and wrong, between real and unreal, spiritual knowledge, control of the senses—these come under the general or universal Law. The characteristics of the Law are the bestowing of gifts to deserving persons, fixing one's thoughts on the Lord, adoration of one's parents, and offering a portion of the daily meal to any creature. Established good custom is the general Law for all men. Forgiveness, truthfulness, control of mind, purity, practice of charity, control of the senses, non-violence, service of the Master, visit to the holy shrines, compassion, simplicity, absence of greed, worship of the Lord—are the essentials of all established customs or the general Law.
We, as seekers of Truth, have first of all to bear in mind that there is a twofold aspect in
which Sannyasa pervades our life. In its purely spiritual aspect, Sannyasa embodies the highest
spirit of Nivritti, viz., the total negation of names and forms, and the masterful and purposeful
assertion of the One Reality, beyond all names and forms, that is Brahman or the Self. This is the
highest outcome of the highest Vedantic Sadhana. This is the innermost core of the culture of
Bharatavarsha, the highest and the only aim of human existence according to the Hindu genius. Not
only this physical universe, but the countless number of universes that exist as a drop in the infinite
ocean of Satchidananda are negated in order to ever remain immersed in the blissful consciousness
of the Atman.
Swami Chidananda
Absolute Being is the highest perfection. Perfection is Bliss. The Self is the seat of Absolute Love, Love without an object outside it. It is Bliss without objectification, for Brahman-Bliss is not derived through contact of subject and object.

- Swami Krishnananda 

Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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