Tuesday, January 23, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
That which elevates you and takes you nearer to God is right action, the Law. Righteous Living is the Law. The Law alone supports life. Actions performed in accordance with the injunctions of the Scriptures are right. That which leads you to the goal of life, the final emancipation, is the Law. The Law is that which upholds this world, the people of the world and the whole creation. The Law is the very regulation of life. That which brings you down and takes you away from God is wrong action or transgression of the Law. The actions done against the injunctions of the Scriptures are wrong. Transgression of the Law brings the destruction of its adherents and then suffers defeat at the hands of the Law. Transgression of Law cannot survive for a long time.
The process of religion slowly works out a scheme of life for you, where you are made to
bring into manifestation or into active expression all these lofty life-transforming elements of the
Divine aspect of your being, thus helping to overcome the animalistic aspect and progressively
unfold the divine nature that is already the essential part of your inmost Consciousness. Man is
made in the image of God; therefore Godliness is the very essence of his real inner being. Hence the
external operation of lower nature has to be overcome and cast away, thus giving full scope for the
manifestation of the Divine Svarupa (nature) in him. With the unfoldment and the blossoming of
the Divine Consciousness in man, he becomes at once linked with the infinite divine existence,
Sat-Chid-Ananda. The unity which had been for the time being veiled, as it were by ignorance is
re-established. This consummation of the religious quest is to make man declare: “I am not this
body, I am not the senses, the mind and the intellect, I am Sat-Chid-Ananda Brahman.” This comes
from the fullness of experience and the culmination of religious practice which is the experience of
your Eternal spiritual Unity with God-head.
Swami Chidananda

True mysticism deals with the Truth that ranges beyond and determines all rational processes of knowing.

- Swami Krishnananda

Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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