Friday, January 12, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
A student of Vedanta should study again and again the Upanishads which are but mystical experiences of the soul gushing forth in an unceasing stream of beauty. You will find in the Upanishads instances of a sincere quest after Brahman—the Supreme Soul. Nachiketas learnt the science of the reality from Yama. Kabandhi, Bhargava, Kausalya, Gargya, Satyakama, Sukesa—all these devoted to Brahman and centred in Brahman, seeking the Highest Brahman approached the revered sage Pippalada with fuel in their hands to know Brahma Vidya and realized Brahman. A rich man keeps his valuable jewels in an iron safe hidden in the innermost chamber of his bungalow. One has to pass through five compartments before he reaches the compartment in which the iron safe .
Renunciation broadens the vision and annihilates egoism. It is a higher sense of duty in a
spirit of selflessness with a knowledge that the Lord is ultimately the natural heir to all the fruits of
actions and sacrifices. Whereas, in the absence of renunciation, the vision of the individual is
obscured by the cloud of self-seeking and self-interest. There is no courage of conviction. The
selfish individual lacks moral courage. When the call to a noble act of self-denial or sacrifice
comes, the man imbued with the spirit of renunciation boldly responds to it. Whereas, where there is
no spirit of renunciation, the individual wavers and steps back with the suspicion of his self-interest
and the welfare of his family getting affected. Such attachment to selfish circles makes him
backboneless. That is indeed the basic ill.
It is due to the gross misunderstanding and antagonism to our spiritual heritage that a period
of sloth and degeneracy has come over us. No doubt, a great part of this unfortunate spiritual
stalemate is due to the prejudiced, unsound and selfish interpretations of our scriptures by a class of
Pundits who thrived on the innocent faith and religious fervour of our countrymen. But surely it
cannot be denied that the modern, westernised man is equally responsible for this degeneracy due to
his utter ignorance of his heritage due to his blunt, shallow and clouded vision to seek the right in a
conglomeration of opposite currents, due to his apish antagonism and his vainglorious worship of
alien ideals. There can be no real service, no real social work, no real philanthropy, no real
patriotism, no real national growth, without the true spirit of renunciation. Renunciation is strength
Supreme. Hence it is the central ideal of our race.
Swami Chidananda.

Whatever the jivanmukta does is righteous, moral and ideal, for his actions are the expressions of the Absolute itself.

- Swami Krishnananda 

Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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