Tuesday, January 9, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Dattatreya attained manhood. As He had the rays of the Tri-Murtis, and as He was a great Jnani, all Rishis and ascetics worshipped Him. He was gentle, peaceful and amiable. He was always followed by a great multitude of people. Dattatreya tried to get rid of them, but His endeavours were all in vain. Once, when He was surrounded by many people, He entered a river for bathing and He did not come out of it for three days. He entered into Samadhi inside the water. On the third day, He came out, and found that the people were still sitting on the banks of the river awaiting His return. He did not succeed in getting rid of the people by this method. He adopted another plan. He created a beautiful girl and a bottle of wine out of His Yogic power. He came out of the waters holding the girl in one hand and the bottle of wine in the other. The people thought that Dattatreya had fallen from His Yoga and so they left Him and went away. Dattatreya threw away all His personal possessions, even the scanty clothing He had, and became an Avadhuta. He went out preaching and teaching the truths of Vedanta. Dattatreya taught His Gita named Avadhuta Gita to Lord Subrahmanya or Karttikeya. This is a most valuable book which contains the truths and secrets of Vedanta and the direct experiences of Self-realisation..

The epicureans would always protest that the doctrine of renunciation is mainly responsible
for the degeneracy of the nation, that such a doctrine of renunciation has always brought about
deplorable weakness and inefficiency in the race which we see everywhere today. Is there any truth
in this serious charge?
On the contrary, it is attachment and indulgence that is the real cause of all degeneracy and
weakness. Indulgence in earthly objects creates attachment and makes man thoroughly selfish.
However active such a man may be, and however busily he might
himself in the work of the
world, it becomes merely selfish alone. The average selfish individual cares a pin for the betterment
of anyone save himself. His strength and his work is to no purpose for anyone’s benefit.
wami Chidananda 

It is said that God-realisation is the Goal of life because when we attain God, we have attained everything. By knowing That, we have known all things. By acquiring That, we have possessed everything.

- Swami Krishnananda 
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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