Saturday, January 6, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Life is essentially a divine worship. Activity in this world it really the adoration of the Lord manifest in all creation. Every one should conform to Dharma which supports life and which shall protect him who protects it. Dharma is the source of material and spiritual good. Realisation of the Absolute is the highest Dharma. Performance of family duties, social duties, national duties and spiritual duties should not clash with each other; for, if done in the right spirit, all actions are conducive to the ultimate Dharma. Life should be lived for a glorious ideal. At least one good action a day should be the motive of every individual. The ultimate unity of all in God has to be realised in the entire universe. Every individual should have a purpose to live for. There must be a continuous effort from within to rise above the negative nature. When life is founded on virtue and knowledge and the consciousness of God, it becomes Divine Life.
Therefore, the worship of Kali is a little bit difficult, because we find that while one part of
the seeker, out of his aspiration and desire for liberation, feels that he should free himself from the
base aspect of his personality, yet there is the power of delusion, attachment and Moha in him and
this aspect makes it difficult for him to completely destroy his lower self, his attachments and
cravings and Trishnas with a resolute mind. While he wants Mother Kali to come and do the work
of destruction, at the same time he yet clings to his lower self! Therefore, his worship of the Divine
Mother Kali is not whole-hearted.
He is the real worshipper of the Divine Mother, who sets himself resolutely to crush out all
attachments, to crush out his delusion, to crush out his cravings, to crush out likes and dislikes, to
annihilate his egoism, and thus actively co-operates with the. Power which he invokes through
Mother-worship. Else, it will be a hypocritical worship.
Swami Chidananda

The moment we intervene or touch this electromagnetic field of the cosmos with an external attitude, it gives a kick; that is what is called the nemesis of karma.

- Swami Krishnananda

Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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