Thursday, January 4, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Srimad Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna narrated in the Bhishma Parva of the Mahabharata. It comprises eighteen chapters of seven hundred and one Sanskrit verses. Considerable matter is condensed and compressed within these Slokas. In the midst of the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Lord Krishna, during the course of His most interesting and instructive talk with Arjuna, revealed the profound, sublime and soul-stirring spiritual truths, and expounded to Arjuna the rare secrets of Yoga, Vedanta, Bhakti and Karma,

Do not worry about obstacles. They will pass away. Take refuge in the Lord and His Name.

- Swami Sivananda
The individual finds that he cannot fight and overcome these enemies of the higher self
through his own puny individual efforts. Therefore, comes the necessity and the meaning of
Mother-worship. He invokes that aspect of this Supreme Divine Power that might be capable of
doing this process of Pasu-Badha in his own individual case. Therefore he turns to the Mother and
lovingly addresses Her, “O Mother! come to me as the terrible, come to me with your fearful sword;
come to me as a destructive power in thy fearsome aspect which will be capable of destroying in me
that which is unspiritual, unholy, and that which is animalistic and base and Anatmic.” He
welcomes the terrible so that She may release him from the clutches of the evil and the impure that
is in him, the Papa Purusha that is in him. This is a Voluntary invitation of the destructive aspect of
Divine Shakti so that She may, out of Her love and compassion for us, do the work of destroying all
the Shad-Ripus (sixfold enemies viz., lust, anger, greed etc.) in us, our egoism, our impurity, our
attachments and all the host of the things that form the lower aspect in the individual.
Swami Chidananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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