Thursday, December 14, 2023




Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
The surest way to attain peace is to have as few possessions as possible. Fewer the wants, greater the peace. If you want to attain the realm of peace everlasting, kill all cravings and desires, destroy all attachment to objects, and meditate on Atma or your innermost Self. This world is a vast university in which we learn how to lead the life divine, how to practise virtue and live with all in peace and brotherly love. Peace is the happy natural state of man. It is his birthright. War is hit corruption, his disgrace, his shame, his ruin. Peace of God fills your heart. Realize this supreme peace through meditation and devotion.

Once Hanuman was questioned, “What is the day of the week today?” and “What is the star,
the Tithi?” To this he replied, “I know neither the day nor the star. I know only Rama, His Name and
His love.”
His life meant only the love of Rama and the result of such a love is that Rama places him
ever in front of Him. That is the ultimate position occupied by him. There is no Rama without
He is the ideal aspirant characterised by ideal humility, perfect surrender and obedience. If
you analyse the whole life of Hanuman, it is nothing but unremitting service of Lord Rama to the
very end. The most important aspect of Hanuman’s personality that we should remember is
Rama-Prem and his humility which made him immortal. Therefore, strength when it is allied to
devotion to God and worship of God becomes fruitful in immortal glory, becomes fruitful in eternal
union with the Lord. The highest that man can achieve comes to him who allies all his faculties of
body and mind with virtue, devotion, humility, the spirit of service, and absolute surrender. To be
ever absorbed in the repetition of the Name of the Lord and to be ever absorbed in the service of the
Lord—this is the shining ideal of devotion that the grand personality of Hanuman presents before
humanity for all time. Such is the glory of his personality and such is the importance of this ideal
personality to us, spiritual aspirants as well as to all human beings in this world—to ally strength
with Dharma and thus to attain the divine realisation of eternal oneness with the Lord.
Swami Chidananda

God is not merely grand or magnificent; He is also beautiful! Let the heart accept it. Then you will see the desires subside, and you will ask for nothing in the world afterwards

- Swami Krishnananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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