Friday, December 1, 2023



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Ultimately, the aim of real education is drawing out the dormant Divinity lying hidden within each human being. The aim of Yoga is to express the Divine in humanity. Yoga aims at the transformation and divinization of human life. Yoga is a process of spiritual, mental and physical culture. The goal of Yoga is the attainment of liberation from human imperfections and uncertainties. That is the final aim of education. Yoga is the necessary aid to Self-realization. It transforms indirect knowledge of the ultimate Reality as may be gained by a study of the Upanishads into direct experience or spiritual Anubhava. Firm discipline of the senses is Yoga.
He who has got faith and devotion to the Lord becomes invulnerable. His defences are
impregnable. Nothing can happen to him. It depends upon faith.
Such faith was there in Hanuman, whose glorious personality stands radiant before us in the
pages of Ramayana. He is the ideal of a true devotee, the devotee who is full of strength, full of
courage, full of heroism. True devotion gives strength. Real Prem (love) gives infinite courage and
What is the source of all strength that sustains an aspirant in his struggle to overcome Maya?
The strength is the Name of the Lord. That strength is the strength of true love and devotion to the
Lord. That strength is the strength of absolute faith in the Lord, faith in the grace of the Lord, faith in
His Name, to exemplify which the glorious Name of Hanuman stands as an ideal before us.
A devotee fears nothing. No obstacle deters him from pursuing the path that leads to the
blessed union with the Lord. If this real devotion is not there, then timidity and other things come.
Swami Chidananda.

When we chant Om, we are diving deep into the very substance of the whole universe. It is as if we are melting the hard body and making it into a liquid of force.

- Swami Krishnananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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