Wednesday, November 22, 2023



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Do not keep changing your aim. Ba steady. Be steadfast. Stick to one thing. Waver not. You can hardly expect a good harvest if you constantly change your plan as to what you wish to cultivate. Every act of ours and every thought, are evidences of the existence of some supreme aim in life. There is some aim to be fulfilled. Ask nothing, and you will not be disappointed. Have an open heart and clear conscience. Be abstemious. Learn to see the One in the many. Know that what must happen will happen. Therefore do not worry. Give up anxiety. Attachment with selfish considerations is the bane of life.
All saints and holy men have illumined like the bright full-moon, the dark night of
ignorance of the earth-bound souls by their own brilliant example.
They have been men of very simple nature, devoid of all crookedness and cunningness.
Simplicity and guilelessness are the characteristics of all men of God.
“Unless ye become like little children, ye cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven.” This is the
mystic declaration of Jesus Christ.
All truly great saints knew not how to disbelieve any man. They trusted all beings. This was
one of the most salient traits in their character. They were guileless. They did not have the so-called
shrewdness and cleverness which the worldly man has, which he thinks essential for him to get
along. But to get along where? It is a different question altogether. Whether it is getting along in the
right direction up to heaven or getting along as quickly as possible to perdition or his own ruin, that
is the question. But the so-called shrewdness which the deluded man thinks very necessary for him
to get along, the saints were lacking, and they were not the losers for it. They became worshipful.
They were immortalised because they were guileless. Their nature was pure and simple, crystal
clear, and this is the nature of children. Saints were like children. Childlike simplicity, childlike
guilelessness, childlike innocence and crystal-like purity of heart have ever been the common
right direction up to heaven or getting along as quickly as possible to perdition or his own ruin, that
is the question. But the so-called shrewdness which the deluded man thinks very necessary for him
to get along, the saints were lacking, and they were not the losers for it. They became worshipful.
They were immortalised because they were guileless. Their nature was pure and simple, crystal
clear, and this is the nature of children. Saints were like children. Childlike simplicity, childlike
guilelessness, childlike innocence and crystal-like purity of heart have ever been the common
attributes of all the saints.
Swami Chidananda.
attributes of all the saints.
Swami Chidananda.

I can deeply feel affection for you without any kind of outward demonstration of it, and that is enough. That is called dhyana, or meditation.

- Swami Krishnananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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