Friday, November 17, 2023



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Birth and death, and the six changes are not in Atma. Atma is pure Consciousness as denoted by " Aham. " " Aham" associated with body, mind, etc., is egoism. Atma is the only region which is free from darkness, fear, sorrow, pain, hunger, thirst, and all conflicts. In Jivatma only there is pain and conflict. In the spiritual realm there is no north, or south, east, or west. There is no Sunday or Monday. There is eternal sunshine there. In that realm where there is neither time nor space, there is no more possibility of disappointment, of friction, and the usual misunderstandings of personalities. In that transcendental realm of the Absolute there is neither doubt nor ignorance. Jivatma frees itself from ignorance by its own effort. The language of the soul is one. It is the language .

Religion Means 'To Do.' It is only the one two little acts that you actually do, that constitute religion and spirituality. To rise early and take the name of the Lord for ten minutes is what real dharma is.

- Swami Sivananda 
Here all things are temporary. All things pass. Therefore seek the eternal. Your real nature is not
earthly. It is spiritual and deathless. To realise your Reality, your eternal identity is the purpose of
your life. While you strive diligently for this inner experience cultivate Ideal Relationship with the
world around you. To all beings relate yourself with nobility, sympathy, kindness, love,
selflessness and the desire to serve all.
Compassion to all is the key to blessedness. Humility is the highest virtue. Truthfulness is
the greatest treasure. Self-control is the supreme wealth to possess. Egoism is the worst blemish and
hence to be eradicated in toto.
Be an ideal individual. Become a spiritually-illumined soul. Thus crown your life with
Wisdom, Peace and Blessedness. You will then become a blessing to all mankind. I wish you joy
and peace.
Swami Chidananda, 
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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