Saturday, November 11, 2023



   Radhe krishna,

Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
There is within you an abiding Reality. Everything else in life changes. But this Reality (Brahman) is unchanging and eternal. There is an inmost centre in you, where Truth or Atma abides in fullness and pristine glory and splendour. Atma abides in your heart. Seek it by plunging into the mysterious depths of your own inmost being. Brahman is the Witness or the subjective Self. It can never be known as objective. It can only be Itself and consciousness itself. The Absolute has no need to undergo any process. It is Sakahi (witness), Chit (consciousness), Kewala (alone), and Nirguna (without attributes).

Cultivate discrimination, dispassion and a keen desire for attaining emancipation.

- Swami Sivananda
For an aspirant, all contact with women must be absolutely tabooed. Women may be
revered, trained and elevated; but it must be in separate institutions. Different Ashrams should be
maintained for them and it is from a respectable distance that even advanced souls should have
dealings with them.
How supra-human beings, like Brahma, Narada and Visvamitra, succumbed to this
influence of sex, is vividly brought out in the Hindu scriptures. Whether one is inclined to treat the
scripture as authoritative or not, the lessons they embody and seek to place before men have to be
taken at their worth. They advocate, in unmistakable terms, the avoidance of all contact with the
opposite sex to the spiritual aspirant. It is no use attempting to ignore the fact that in the vast
majority of people, the sexual craving is very intense; hence the necessity for such drastic advice.
Spiritual life is for eternity and realisation is infinite. It is not like a period of work, giving
place later to a nice vacation.
The same high pitch of purity and discipline has to be maintained if life is to mean anything
at all. No relaxation of vigour and caution can be afforded. For the mighty power of cosmic illusion
is not a trifle to be toyed with. A fit of passion is enough to blow away the result attained by years of
slow and painstaking effort. Remembering this, let the aspirant be ever ‘watchful unto prayer’ as
the mystics have said.
Swami Chidananda. 
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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