Saturday, October 21, 2023



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda

Tureeyateeta or the state beyond the fourth state of consciousness is the state of the Videhamukta. The ultimate release or Vidaha mukti is achieved only when the body is finally cast off. Vichara, based on experiences, is the royal road to the wisdom of the Self. The real nature of Brahman-Jnana remains a mystery until one experiences it. It cannot be explained. To know what you are is real wisdom. To know your essential nature is real wisdom. Aspire ceaselessly and attain the wisdom of the Atma. The real knowledge is a matter of self-unfoldment and Self-realization.

This is an example of falling down from the beautiful state of your Atmic nature into the
ugliness and falsity of your lower nature owing to anger which is a kind of impurity (Mala).
Similarly also greed, passion, selfishness, arrogance, envy and jealousy etc., constitute the
impurities of human nature and every now and then they spring up and overpower the mind. The
Atmic consciousness is then obscured and pettiness, dishonesty, intolerance, pride and the thought
of “How dare one address me like this?” come into the mind.
These are all called impurities and are the basic blemishes of the human personality. These
blemishes constantly plague the human individual and need be eliminated if you are to rise into a
higher state of consciousness.
These impurities constantly put the mind into a state of agitation and activity. They never
allow the mind to be calm and serene. As long as these gross impurities draw the mind outward to
unspiritual action every moment, you cannot expect to sustain one unbroken current of thought of
the Supreme Reality.
Swami Chidananda.

Many days of meditation do not mean much; it is the kind of meditation that you have been practising, and the quality, that is involved there.

- Swami Krishnananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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