Monday, October 9, 2023



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed daym


Swami Sivananda
Truth reveals itself only to those who seek and love it, who are absolutely pure, and who are endowed with discrimination, dispassion, detachment and self-control. Truth is ever present in everyone. Only the veil has to be removed. You will have to realize Brahman by removing the causes of distractions, viz., desire, attachment, cravings, likes and dislikes, egoism. He, who, by faith, devotion and meditation realizes the Absolute, and has nothing to fear anything, has no sorrow or want of any kind. Infinite patience and perseverance are necessary for the attainment of Self-knowledge.
Towards the world, let our motive be one of goodness, friendliness and selflessness. Let us
live for the good and peace and happiness of others, even of those who deceive us and inflict injury
upon us. Mind not dear Sadhaka! For this is not your lasting abode. You are a quick passenger to
your eternally shining original abode. So, on your way, while you are here for a short while, try to
bring about a little happiness to others, try to lessen the discomfort, fear and anxiety of your
neighbours, try to wipe out tears from others’ eyes. Try to remove as far as you can the gloom,
despair and sorrow of your fellow-beings.
This should be the attitude for your Bahiranga Jivan (external life, relative living).
Through Paropakara (doing good to others) you worship the one Supreme Lord residing in
the hearts of all, for “Eko Devah Sarvabhuteshu Gudhah”—the one Lord hides in all beings.
So bear sympathy for the poor and try to see Him through the humblest of His creation.
As to our Antaranga Jivan (internal living), it should be one of Yogic life, living in constant
awareness of your divine relationship.
Swami Chidananda., 

ll study, all endeavour, and every enterprise, in every walk of life, results in the fixing of oneself in a type of reality. This is precisely the function of meditation.

- Swami Krishnananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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