Monday, December 2, 2019


Radhe krishna,
Good morning andhave a blessed day,

Swami Sivananda
A JIVANMUKTA radiates joy and peace everywhere. He may be absorbed in Samadhi or he may work like an ordinary man of the world. Internally he has the Bhava or mental attitude "I am a witness (Sakshi), I am non-doer (Akarta), I am non-enjoyer (Abhokta)," because he has no egoism or individuality. So he is not bound by his Karmas. He is a Gunatita. He is beyond the reach of the three Gunas or qualities,—Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. He has Trikala-Jnana or knowledge of the three periods of time. He has omniscience. He enjoys the sense-objects offered by others like one sleeping or like a child. He beholds this world like one seen in dreams. O Mokshapriya! Hear the Srutis, reflect, meditate and become a Jivanmukta.

  It is in the context of daily life that you are able to actively exercise and test your spiritual progress. It is in the context of your daily sadhana that day by day the quality of your daily life is enhanced and enriched—it becomes further elevated to progressively ever higher dimensions of culture, refinement and a transformed spiritual nature. Ultimately, of course, this process—the daily enrichment of your outer life by the daily ascent of your spiritual inwardness—culminates in a total divinisation of your being and doing, your actions and reactions.  
Swami Chidananda.

Thus a philosophical insight is an awakening of a new light from within, with whose aid one can illumine the dark corners of the earth, and endeavour to see things in their true colours, rather than be carried away by their chamaeleon-like shapes and presentations.

- Swami Krishnananda.

Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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