Wednesday, December 18, 2019



Radhe krishna,
Good morning & have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda

O Eternal Light, Self-effulgence. O Supreme joy, eternal satisfaction.
O Everlasting peace, bliss Immortal. Like the ocean is your inner
Self, It is deep and unfathomable. Like the ether is your Atman, It is
subtle, spotless and all-pervading. Like the sun is your soul within,
It is self-effulgent and ever brilliant. Like the Himalayas is your
inner grandeur It is motionless, majestic and firm. How pure and
self-radiant is Soul! How awe-inspiring is His Majesty! His splendour
of wisdom is very great. His miracle of love is ineffable. His Altar
is in the temple of silence.

This inner fact is a very important truth that is revealed in the
Gita. For in the beginning, Arjuna is the very contrary of a sishya.
He says: “I will not fight.” At the outset, he even questions the
correctness of the guru’s teachings, because he is in a state of
ignorance. He is in a state of delusion. He is in a state of deep
attachment, completely entangled by himself, in himself. He is a slave
of himself. He is entangled by his own emotions, his own sentiments,
his own desires, his own whims and fancies, his own attachment and
bhranti (delusion). But very quickly he is made to realise his folly.
In the second chapter he says: “sishyas-te’ham sadhi mam tvam
prapannam—I am Your disciple. I have taken refuge in Thee. Please
teach me. Please guide me. Please enlighten me. Please lead me;
otherwise I am lost.” Thus he appeals to the guru.
swami chidananda

Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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