Saturday, December 21, 2019



Radhe krishna,
Good morning & have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda

Look not at the face for enjoying beauty look within and realise the
Beauty of beauties. Do not run after little sensual pleasures they are
illusory and fleeting. O deluded man, you have given up reciting
Lord's Name but you have not given up telling lies. You have given up
study of Gita but you have not given up injuring others. You have
given up meditation but you have not given up anger and lust. You have
given up prayer and service but you have not given up greed and pride,
wake up now and become virtuous. Dive deep in the heart and realise
the eternal bliss of Atma.

Good conduct, pure and truthful dealings, good character, ethical
perfection, cultivation of divine virtues form the very heart and soul
of all religions of the world. True Dharma does not oppose any other

- Swami Sivananda

Thus we must awaken to the fact that leading a divine life is
impossible unless one ceases to
be. It is the highest good, it is the supreme blessedness, because it
is only when you cease to be that
you really ARE. Until you cease to be, you really are NOT.
So help me God that I may share with you this light, which is
difficult to perceive, for it is
not any earthly light. It is a light which shines when there is no
other light, when there is darkness. In
the darkness, the only light that shines is an awakened consciousness
which does not illumine
anything outside, but it illumines your own Self, it illumines the interior.
You may be surrounded by pitch darkness, but you will be shining
within if you have
awakened to this light of seeing clearly the truth that the way to
bliss lies through non-being—by
which alone true Being, which is eternally there, becomes experienced.
In non-being is the Being
swami chidananda

Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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