Saturday, December 21, 2019



chandra sekhar

Thu, 23 Nov 2017, 16:59
to sekhar
Radhe krishna,
Good morning & have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda

The company of saints is a cause of emancipation. Saints are those
whose minds are unruffled, who are free from avarice, who have
conquered desire, and who have brought their senses and internal
nature under control, who are devoted to the Lord, and who have no
longing for anything, who are the same in pleasure and pain, who are
free from attachment, who have the attributes of self-control, and who
are content with whatever comes in their way.

Truth is the Vedas and their branches. Truth is knowledge. Truth is
the ordinance. Truth is the observance of vows and fasts. Truth is the
prime syllable OM. There is truth where righteousness is. Every thing
multiplies through truth.

- Swami Sivananda

You awaken not merely as a physical body from physical sleep, but you
awake and emerge
into a state of wakefulness and awareness in your real, everlasting,
unchanging spiritual
identityófeeling yourself to be birthless, deathless, of the same
stuff as the eternal Cosmic Reality,
feeling yourself to be
. You thus make each day a fresh awakening spiritually, a fresh
rebirth, so that each day is one step higher towards the supreme
culminating pinnacle-point of
God-realisation. Each day adds on to your spiritual evolution, to your
spiritual upward ascent
towards the great goal of knowing you are never bound, the great goal
of realising that you are ever
free and eternally pure. It is a pinnacle-point of consciousness where
you know that neither am I
born, nor do I die, neither have I bondage, nor do I seek liberationóI
am ever that Being, one with
the Supreme Reality, unborn, eternal, ancient, beyond time,
imperishable, ever present
swami chidananda.

.Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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