Saturday, November 30, 2019


Radhe krishna,
Good morning and have a blessed day,
Swami Sivananda,

12. Just as the BLACK BEE sucks the honey from different flowers and does not suck it only from one flower, so also I take only a little food from one house and a little from another house and thus appease my hunger (Madhukari Bhiksha or Madhukari Vritti). I am not a burden on the householder.
13. Bees collect honey with great trouble, but a HUNTER comes and takes the honey easily. Even so, people hoard up wealth and other things with great difficulty, but they have to leave them all at once and depart when the Lord of Death takes hold of them. From this I have learnt the lesson that it is useless to hoard things.
14. The male ELEPHANT, blinded by lust, falls into a pit covered over with grass, even at the sight of a paper-made female elephant. It gets caught, enchained and tortured by the goad. Even so, passionate men fall in the traps of women and come to grief. Therefore, one should destroy lust. This is the lesson I have learnt from the elephant.
15. The DEER is enticed and trapped by the hunter through its love of music. Even so, a man is attracted by the music of women of loose character and brought to destruction. One should never listen to lewd songs. This is the lesson I learnt from the deer.
These great teachings should not go to waste. Are they all to be cries in the wilderness? Are
they to be in vain? They will all be in vain if our mind is only intent upon petty sense pleasures. In
his Gitanjali, Rabindranath Tagore compares this to children playing upon the shores of the sea of
life, gathering shells, building sandcastles, and never thinking of the invaluable pearls that lie in the
depth. And what will happen at the end of the day? The shells will be left and the sandcastles swept
away by the tide.
swami Chidananda.

A tremendous velocity is assumed by the personality of the person established in knowledge, and so the one who is established in the highest knowledge may appear to be doing nothing at all.

- Swami Krishnananda
Chant the Maha Mantra
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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