Friday, November 29, 2019



Radhe krishna,
Supravat.Have a blessed day,

Swami Sivananda
There is an eternal, all-pervading, immortal Soul or Atman. It abides in the chambers of your heart. It is not slain even when the body is slaughtered. If you abandon all desires, if you are satisfied in the Self alone, if you are free from passion, fear and anger, and all sorts of attachments, you will attain equipoise and enjoy the eternal bliss of the Soul. Thy business is with action only; never with its fruits. So, let not the fruits of action be thy motive, nor be thou to inaction attached. He who abandons all desires and who is free from yearnings; who is without egoism and mine-ness, he attains Eternal Peace. ….

  And, one should also recognise well that one must persevere. No scientific discovery was made with a single attempt. A harvest of grain is not produced in a single day. No fruit appears on a tree before its time. So, with patience one has to persevere in putting forth the needed effort. This is wisdom. Impatience is a lack of understanding that in a science things work in a precise manner. Therefore, in this science no effort is ever wasted, no effort is in vain, no effort is futile. Every bit of effort put forth adds on to all the effort that has gone before. 
Swami Chidananda. 

The passing of the soul from plane to plane is all a process of Consciousness within the Absolute. Just as our movements in the dream-world are actual spatial allocations of personality but are really within the circumference of mental activity - all dream being only within the mind - so is the transmigration of souls real empirically but are activities of Consciousness within its bosom.

- Swami Krishnananda
Chant the Maha Mantra
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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