Friday, November 15, 2019



Radhe krishna,
Good morning and have a blessed day,

Swami Sivananda
Good and bad are both in man. The human being is a mixture of both. All creatures contain forces of virtue and evil. It is the restraint of the evil and the active exercise of the good that raises man above other creatures. Anger makes the evil break out into harmful action. Self-restraint keeps the evil in check and affords scope for the exercise of virtues. Thus, when anger is controlled, evil is controlled. Good prevails. Anger is the outlet or channel through which emerge harshness, cruelty, pain and harm, vengeance, violence, war and destruction.

  Therefore, the Upanishadic call: uttishthata jagrata prapya varan nibodhata (Arise, awake, having reached the wise become enlightened). This call should be ringing in the ear of every true aspiring soul, every real seeker, every sadhaka worth the name of sadhaka. Then alone some achievement is possible—not in indifference, not in pramada (heedlessness). Admonitions are not lacking. Saints, sages, siddhas, mahapurushas, scriptures, srutis, smritis, puranas all sound this call. They all give this caution; they all warn us: Before you know it, time will fly away. “Dinamapi rajani sayam pratah sisiravasantau punarayatah; kalah kridati gacchatyayus tadapi na munchatyasavayuh (Day and night, morning and evening, autumn and spring, come and go again and again. While time plays, our life ebbs away. Yet, alas, the wind of man’s vain desires does not cease but continues to blow unsatiated).” Every day this sloka must be sounding again and again in your heart 
Swami Chidananda. 

Freedom does not mean doing whatever one likes. Freedom is that state of consciousness that does things in the light of the harmony that it has to maintain between the subject and the object. Otherwise, it could not be freedom. You are free only when moving in right directions. Your consciousness should operate properly. Only then does the question of freedom arise.

- Swami Krishnananda.

Chant the Maha Mantra
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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