Friday, November 15, 2019



Radhe krishna,
Supravat.Have a blessedday,

Swami Sivananda
Just as a small white spot or a patch of leucoderma on the face of a woman spoils her beauty, so also a little taint in the character of man of reputation spoils his name. Moral life is the backbone and the pointer of spiritual life, There cannot be any spiritual life without moral life. Ahimsa : There is no penance like the practice of ahimsa. There is no vow like the vow of speaking the truth. There is no discipline, like the discipline of the senses and the mind.

Therefore, be wise. Be aware of this fact. Beware of its misuse. Put it to the highest use. Be your own greatest benefactor. May your right labours, in the right direction, with the right intention and the right objective be your own greatest benediction, your own greatest blessing. 
Out of this, may immense good come to everyone with whom your life has to be lived, and may immense glory, bliss, peace and illumination accrue to you in the days ahead. Think deeply. Decide. How will you work? In what way will you labour? What will you bring forth from this field that God has given you? This the field cannot decide. It is the one that labours there that has to decide.
 If you make the right use of this field of the human personality—the body as well as the 
psyche—for the good of all, the happiness of all, and for your own highest, supreme 
blessedness, then there is no power on earth that can deny you   psyche—for the good of all, the happiness of all, and for your own highest, supreme blessedness, then there is no power on earth that can deny you what is due to you, that can prevent you from getting what you have worked for. 
Swami Chidananda.

The energy that leaks through the senses by way of excitation and pleasure-seeking diminishes the psychic force that is necessary for meditation. Hence before any attempt at successful meditation this energy leakage has to be blocked, and the direction of the flow of this energy turned inward.

- Swami Krishnananda.

Chant the Maha Mantra
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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