
Friday, November 8, 2019



Radhe krishna,
Suppravt.Have a blessed day,

Swami Sivananda
Do not become a victim of your emotions. Govern them. Control them. Don't allow yourself to be governed by them. That man who has controlled his emotions has a serene mind. He is really a strong man. If you fail in keeping your resolves, make fresh resolves. Just as the child falls many a time when it tries to walk without the help of the wall, just as the new cyclist falls from the cycle a number of times before he learns to sit steadily on the seat, so also the new aspirant will fall a number of times in his resolves. He has to make repeated attempts. Ultimately he will come out victoriously.….
Keep the Divine flame burning steadily. Treat everybody with respect. View all with an equal eye. Behold the Lord in all beings. Have intense and exclusive devotion for the Lord.

- Swami Sivananda
It is not to think of spiritual life in terms of whole years or long periods, of a great struggle or a big journey. Nothing, nothing, nothing! You are only expected to attend to the day that has dawned and that is in your hands. Look to it, make it perfectly spiritual, sublime, noble! Then you have a golden key to success in a simple, easy, nevertheless, unfailing, effective way. This is the secret. This is within the possibility of everyone. Strive with all your might just for this one day—the gift of God, today. God bless you in this effort!  
Swami Chidananda. 

Chant the Maha Mantra
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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