Sunday, December 23, 2018

Gita Mahatmya (Gita 19)



श्री गीता महात्यम


भगवन् परमेशान भक्तिरव्यभिचारिणी
प्रारब्धं  भुज्यमानस्य कथं भवति हे प्रभो

श्री विष्णुरुवाच

प्रारब्धं भुज्यमानोपि गीताभ्यासरतस्सदा
स मुक्तः स सुखी लोके कर्मणा नोपलिप्यते

महापापादिपापानि गीताध्यानं करॊति चेत्
क्वचित स्पर्शं न कुर्वन्ति नलिनीदळ मंभसा

गीतायाः पुस्तकं यत्र यत्र पाठः प्रवर्तते
तत्र सर्वाणि तीर्थानि प्रयागादीनि तत्र वै

सर्वे देवाश्च ऋषयो योगिनः पन्नगाश्च ये
गोपाला गोपिका वापि नरदोद्धवपार्षदैः
सहायो जायते शीघ्रं यत्र गीता प्रवर्तते

यत्र गीता विचारश्च पठनं पाठनं श्रुतं
तत्राहं निश्चितं पृथ्वि निवसामि सदैव हि

गीताश्रयेहं तिष्ठामि गीता मे चोत्तमं गृहं
गीता ज्ञान मुपाश्रित्य त्रीन लोकान् पालयाम्यहम्

गीता मे परमा विद्य़ा ब्रह्मरूपा न संशयः
अर्थमत्राक्षरा नित्या स्वनिर्वाच्य पदात्मिका

चिदानंदेन कृष्णेन प्रोक्ता स्वमुखतोर्जुनं
वेदत्रयी परानंद तत्वार्थ ज्ञानमंजसा 

यो अष्टादश जपेन्नित्यं नरोनिश्चल मानसः 
जनानसिद्धिम स लभते ततो याति परं पदं

पाठेत् समर्थस्संपूर्णे तदर्थं पाठमाचरेत्
तदा गोदानजं पुण्यं लभते नात्र संशयः

त्रिभागम पठमानस्तु गंगास्नान फलं लभेत् 
षडंशं जपमानस्तु सोमयागफलं लभेत्

एकअध्यायम तु यो नित्यं पठते भक्ति संयुतः
रुद्रलोक मवाप्नोति गणो भूत्वा वसेच्चिरं 

अध्याय श्लोकपादं वा नित्यं यह पठते नरः
स याति नरतां यावन्मनुकालं वसुन्धरे

गीतायाः श्लोकदशकं सप्त पंच चतुष्टयम्
द्वौ त्रिनेकं तदर्थं वा श्लोकानां यः पठेन्नरः

चंद्रलोक मवाप्नोति वर्षाणामयुतं ध्रुवं
गीता पाठ समायुक्तो मृतो मानुषतां व्रजेत

गीताभ्यासँ पुनः कृत्वा लभते मुक्तिमुत्तमाम्
गीतेत्युच्चार संयुक्तो म्रियमाणो गतिं लभेत्

गीतार्थ श्रवणासक्तो महापाप युतोपि वा
वैकुंठं समवाप्नोति विष्णुना सह मोदते

गीतार्थं ध्यायते नित्यं कृत्वा कर्माणि भूरिशः
जीवन्मुक्तः स विज्ञेयो देहांते परमं पदम्

गीतामाश्रित्य बहवो भूभुजो जनकादयः
निर्धूत कल्मषालोके गीता याताः परं पदम्

गीतायाः पठनं कृत्वा माहात्म्यं नैव यः पठेत्
वृथा पाठो भवेत् तस्य श्रम येव ह्युदाहृतः

एतन्माहात्म्य संयुक्तं गीताभ्यासँ करोतियः 
स तत्फल मवाप्नोति दुर्लभां गति माप्नुयात्

सूत उवाच 

महात्म्यमे तत गीताया मया प्रोक्तं सनातनं
गीतांते च पठेद्यस्तु यदुक्तं तत्फलं लभेत्

इति श्री वराह पुराणे गीता माहात्म्यं संपूर्णं

Gita Mahatmya

(To be read at the end of the day’s Gita study)
Sri Ganeshaaya Namah! Gopaalakrishnaaya Namah!
Bhagavan parameshaana bhaktiravyabhichaarinee; 
Praarabdham bhujyamaanasya katham bhavati he prabho.
The Earth said:
1. O Bhagavan, the Supreme Lord! How can unflinching devotion arise in him who is immersed in his Prarabdha Karmas (worldly life), O Lord?
Sri Vishnuruvaacha:
Praarabdham bhujyamaano hi geetaabhyaasaratah sadaa; 
Sa muktah sa sukhee loke karmanaa nopalipyate.
Lord Vishnu said:
2. Though engaged in the performance of worldly duties, one who is regular in the study of the Gita becomes free. He is the happy man in this world. He is not bound by Karma.
Mahaapaapaadipaapaani geetaadhyaanam karoti chet; 
Kwachit sparsham na kurvanti nalineedalam ambuvat.
3. Just as the water stains not the lotus leaf, even so sins do not taint him who is regular in the recitation of the Gita.
Geetaayaah pustakam yatra yatra paathah pravartate; 
Tatra sarvaani teerthaani prayaagaadeeni tatra vai.
4. All the sacred centres of pilgrimage, like Prayag and other places, dwell in that place where the Gita is kept, and where the Gita is read.
Sarve devaashcha rishayo yoginahpannagaashcha ye; 
Gopaalaa gopikaa vaapi naaradoddhava paarshadaih.
5. All the gods, sages, Yogins, divine serpents, Gopalas, Gopikas (friends and devotees of Lord Krishna), Narada, Uddhava and others (dwell here).
Sahaayo jaayate sheeghram yatra geetaa pravartate; 
Yatra geetaavichaarashcha pathanam paathanam shrutam; 
Tatraaham nishchitam prithvi nivasaami sadaiva hi.
6. Help comes quickly where the Gita is recited and, O Earth, I ever dwell where it is read, heard, taught and contemplated upon!
Geetaashraye’ham tishthaami geetaa me chottamam griham; 
Geetaajnaanam upaashritya treen Uokaan paalayaamyaham.
7. I take refuge in the Gita, and the Gita is My best abode. I protect the three worlds with the knowledge of the Gita.
Geetaa me paramaa vidyaa brahmaroopaa na samshayah; 
Ardhamaatraaksharaa nityaa swaanirvaachyapadaatmikaa.
8. The Gita is My highest science, which is doubtless of the form of Brahman, the Eternal, the Ardhamatra (of the Pranava Om), the ineffable splendour of the Self.
Chidaanandena krishnena proktaa swamukhato’rjuna; 
Vedatrayee paraanandaa tatwaarthajnaanasamyutaa.
9. It was spoken by the blessed Lord Krishna, the all-knowing, through His own mouth, to Arjuna. It contains the essence of the Vedas—the knowledge of the Reality. It is full of supreme bliss.
COMMENTARY: The Gita contains the cream of the Vedas and Upanishads. Hence it is a universal scripture suited for people of all temperaments and for all ages.
Yoashtaadasha japen nityam naro nishchalamaanasah; 
Jnaanasiddhim sa labhate tato yaati param padam.
10. He who recites the eighteen chapters of the Bhagavad Gita daily, with a pure and unshaken mind, attains perfection in knowledge, and reaches the highest state or supreme goal.
Paathe’asamarthah sampoornam tato’rdham paathamaacharet; 
Tadaa godaanajam punyam labhate naatra samshayah.
11. If a complete reading is not possible, even if only half is read, he attains the benefit of giving a cow as a gift. There is no doubt about this.
Tribhaagam pathamaanastu gangaasnaanaphalam labhet; 
Shadamsham japamaanastu somayaagaphalam labhet.
12. He who recites one-third part of it achieves the merit of a bath in the sacred river Ganges; and who recites one-sixth of it attains the merit of performing a Soma sacrifice (a kind of ritual).
Ekaadhyaayam tu yo nityam pathate bhaktisamyutah; 
Rudralokam avaapnoti gano bhootwaa vasecchiram.
13. That person who reads one discourse with supreme faith and devotion attains to the world of Rudra and, having become a Gana (an attendant of Lord Shiva), lives there for many years.
Adhyaayam shlokapaadam vaa nityam yah pathate narah; 
Sa yaati narataam yaavanmanwantaram vasundhare.
14. If one reads a discourse or even a part of a verse daily he, O Earth, retains a human body till the end of a Manvantara (71 Mahayugas or 308,448,000 years).
Geetaayaah shloka dashakam sapta pancha chatushtayam; 
    Dwautreenekam tadardhamvaa shlokaanaam yah pathennarah. 
Chandralokam avaapnoti varshaanaam ayutam dhruvam; 
    Geetaapaathasamaayukto mrito maanushataam vrajet.
15-16. He who repeats ten, seven, five, four, three, two verses or even one or half of it, attains the region of the moon and lives there for 10,000 years. Accustomed to the daily study of the Gita, a dying man comes back to life again as a human being.
Geetaabhyaasam punah kritwaa labhate muktim uttamaam; 
Geetetyucchaarasamyukto mriyamaano gatim labhet.
17. By repeated study of the Gita, he attains liberation. Uttering the word Gita at the time of death, a person attains liberation.
Geetaarthashravanaasakto mahaapaapayuto’pi vaa; 
Vaikuntham samavaapnoti vishnunaa saha modate.
18. Though full of sins, one who is ever intent on hearing the meaning of the Gita, goes to the kingdom of God and rejoices with Lord Vishnu.
Geetaartham dhyaayate nityam kritwaa karmaani bhoorishah; 
Jeevanmuktah sa vijneyo dehaante paramam padam.
19. He who meditates on the meaning of the Gita, having performed many virtuous actions, attains the supreme goal after death. Such an individual should be considered a true Jivanmukta.
COMMENTARY: A Jivanmukta is one who has attained liberation while living.
Geetaam aashritya bahavo bhoobhujo janakaadayah; 
Nirdhootakalmashaa loke geetaa yaataah param padam.
20. In this world, taking refuge in the Gita, many kings like Janaka and others reached the highest state or goal, purified of all sins.
Geetaayaah pathanam kritwaa maahaatmyam naiva yah pathet; 
Vrithaa paatho bhavet tasya shrama eva hyudaahritah.
21. He who fails to read this “Glory of the Gita” after having read the Gita, loses the benefit thereby, and the effort alone remains.
COMMENTARY: This is to test and confirm the faith of the reader in the Bhagavad Gita, which is not a mere philosophical book but the word of God and should therefore be studied with great faith and devotion. The Gita Mahatmya generates this devotion in one’s heart.
Etanmaahaatmyasamyuktam geetaabhyaasam karoti yah; 
Sa tatphalamavaapnoti durlabhaam gatim aapnuyaat.
22. One who studies the Gita, together with this “Glory of the Gita”, attains the fruits mentioned above, and reaches the state which is otherwise very difficult to be attained.
Suta Uvaacha:
Maahaatmyam etad geetaayaah mayaa proktam sanaatanam; 
Geetaante cha pathedyastu yaduktam tatphalam labhet.
Suta said:
23. This greatness or “Glory of the Gita”, which is eternal, as narrated by me, should be read at the end of the study of the Gita, and the fruits mentioned therein will be obtained.
Iti srivaraahapuraane srigeetaamaahaatmyam sampoornam.
Thus ends the “Glory of the Gita” contained in the Varaha Purana.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!
Swami Sivananda.


Bhagavad Gita Dhyana Sloka

ॐ पार्थाय प्रतिबोधितां भगवता नारायणेन स्वयं व्यासेन ग्रथितां पुराणमुनिना मध्ये महाभारतम् ।
अद्वैतामृतवर्षिणीं भगवतीम्- अष्टादशाध्यायिनीम् अम्ब त्वामनुसन्दधामि भगवद्- गीते भवद्वेषिणीम् ॥ १॥
Om Parthaya prathi bodhithm bhagawataa naaraayanena swayam, Vyasaena gratitaam Puraana muninaa madhye Mahabaratam
Advaitamruta varshaneem bhagawteem ashta dashaa dhyayineem, Ambaa twaam anusandadhaami bhagavad geete bhava dweshineem.
Bhagavad Gita taught to Arjuna, by Lord Narayana himself, written in the middle of the Mahabharata by the Old Sage Vyasa
O Divine mother, she who showers Elixir of Advaita on us, O mother of 18 chapters, I meditate on thee, O Bhagavad gita, the destroyer of illusion of manifestation (Samsaara)
नमोऽस्तु ते व्यास विशालबुद्धे फुल्लारविन्दायतपत्रनेत्र ।
येन त्वया भारततैलपूर्णः प्रज्वालितो ज्ञानमयः प्रदीपः ॥ २॥
Namosthuthe Vyasa vishala buddhe, phullaravindayatha pathra nethra
Yena tvayaa Bhaarata thaila poorna prajvalito jnanamayah pradeepah.
Salutations O Vyasa(the author), one with the great intellect, with eyes like the fully blossomed lotus
Through whom, the lamp of light is filled with oil of knowledge.
प्रपन्नपारिजाताय तोत्रवेत्रैकपाणये ।
ज्ञानमुद्राय कृष्णाय गीतामृतदुहे नमः ॥ ३॥
Prapanna paarijaataaya , totra vetraika paanaye
Jnaana mudraaya Krishnaaya geetamrita duhe namah.
Salutations to Krishna, the bestower of all desires of the desirees.
The holder of JnanaMudra, the milker of the Elixir of Bhagavad Gita.
सर्वोपनिषदो गावो दोग्धा गोपाल नन्दनः ।
पार्थो वत्सः सुधीर्भोक्ता दुग्धं गीतामृतं महत् ॥ ४॥
Sarvaopanishado gaavo dogdhaa Gopala Nandana
Partho vatsah sudheer bhoktaa dugdham Geetamritam mahat.
All the Upanishads are cows; the Milker is Krishna, the cowherd boy;
Arjuna is the calf; Wise and pure men drink the milk, the supreme, immortal nectar of the Gita
वसुदेवसुतं देवं कंसचाणूरमर्दनम् ।
देवकीपरमानन्दं कृष्णं वन्दे जगद्गुरुम् ॥ ५॥
Vasudeva sutam devam kamsa Chanoora mardhanam
Devaki paramaanandam Krishnam vande Jagad Gurum.
O son of Vasudeva, O Lord who destroyed Kamsa and Chanuura
O Joy of mother Devaki, Salutations O Krishna, the teacher of the world.
भीष्मद्रोणतटा जयद्रथजला गान्धारनीलोत्पला शल्यग्राहवती कृपेण वहनी कर्णेन वेलाकुला ।
अश्वत्थामविकर्णघोरमकरा दुर्योधनावर्तिनी सोत्तीर्णा खलु पाण्डवै रणनदी कैवर्तकः केशवः ॥ ६॥
Bheeshma drona thata jayadratha jalaa , Gandhaara neelothphala, Shalyagrahavatee , kripena vahanee , karnena Velaakulaa
Aswathama Vikarnaa ghora Makaraa Duryodhana varthinee, Sotheerno khalu Pandavai , rana nadhee kaivarthakah Kesavah.
Bheeshma, Drona were the two banks , Jayadrada was the water, Shakuni (king of Gandhara) was the blue lotus, Shalya was the crocodile , Kripa was the tide , Karna was the mighty wave.
Aswathama and Vikarna were the dangerous alligators, Duryodhana was the whirlpool, Pandavas crossed this river of war with Krishna as their helmsman.
पाराशर्यवचः सरोजममलं गीतार्थगन्धोत्कटं नानाख्यानककेसरं हरिकथा- सम्बोधनाबोधितम् ।
लोके सज्जनषट्पदैरहरहः पेपीयमानं मुदा भूयाद्भारतपङ्कजं कलिमल- प्रध्वंसिनः श्रेयसे ॥ ७॥
Paraasharayavacha sarojamamalam Geetartha gandothkatam, Nanakhyanaka kesaram harikatha sambodhanaa bodhitam
Loke sajjana shat padairaharaha pepeeyamaanam mudaa, Bhooyad Bharatha pankajam kali mala pradhwamsinah shreyase.
May this lotus of the Mahabharata, born in the lake of the words of Vyasa (Son of Parashara), with intense sweet fragrance of the essense of Gita, with many stories as its stamens, fully opened by the discourses on Hari, the destroyer of the effects of Kaliyuga, and drunk joyously by the bees of good men in the world, day by day become the bestower of good to us.
मूकं करोति वाचालं पङ्गुं लङ्घयते गिरिम् ।
यत्कृपा तमहं वन्दे परमानन्दमाधवम् ॥ ८॥
Mookam karoti vaachaalam , pangum lankayathe girim
Yath krupa thaham vandhe Paramananda madhavam.
I bow down to Sri Krishna, the source of all joy, whose compassion brings speech from the lips of the dumb and carries the lame over mountains
यं ब्रह्मा वरुणेन्द्ररुद्रमरुतः स्तुन्वन्ति दिव्यैः स्तवैः वेदैः साङ्गपदक्रमोपनिषदैः गायन्ति यं सामगाः ।
ध्यानावस्थिततद्गतेन मनसा पश्यन्ति यं योगिनः यस्यान्तं न विदुः सुरासुरगणाः देवाय तस्मै नमः ॥ ९॥
Yam brahmaVaruna indra Rudra marutah sthunvanthi divyai stavai, Vedai saang padakrama upanishadai gayanhi yam Saamagaah
Dhyanasthita tadgatena manasa pasyanti yam Yoginah, Yasyantam na viduh surasura ganaah devaaya tasmai namah.
Salutation to him who is worshipped with divine chants by Brahma, Varuna, Indra , Rudra, Maruta, Who is pleased by singers of Sama Veda by singing Vedas and Upanishads following the word sequence, Who is seen by yogis who are absorbed in him, with their mind merging in him, And whose end is not known even by the hoards of devas and Asuras.

ॐ पार्थाय प्रतिबोधितां भगवता नारायणेन स्वयं व्यासेन ग्रथितां पुराणमुनिना मध्ये महाभारतम् ।
अद्वैतामृतवर्षिणीं भगवतीम्- अष्टादशाध्यायिनीम् अम्ब त्वामनुसन्दधामि भगवद्- गीते भवद्वेषिणीम् ॥ १॥
Om Parthaya prathi bodhithm bhagawataa naaraayanena swayam, Vyasaena gratitaam Puraana muninaa madhye Mahabaratam
Advaitamruta varshaneem bhagawteem ashta dashaa dhyayineem, Ambaa twaam anusandadhaami bhagavad geete bhava dweshineem.
Bhagavad Gita taught to Arjuna, by Lord Narayana himself, written in the middle of the Mahabharata by the Old Sage Vyasa
O Divine mother, she who showers Elixir of Advaita on us, O mother of 18 chapters, I meditate on thee, O Bhagavad gita, the destroyer of illusion of manifestation (Samsaara)
नमोऽस्तु ते व्यास विशालबुद्धे फुल्लारविन्दायतपत्रनेत्र ।
येन त्वया भारततैलपूर्णः प्रज्वालितो ज्ञानमयः प्रदीपः ॥ २॥
Namosthuthe Vyasa vishala buddhe, phullaravindayatha pathra nethra
Yena tvayaa Bhaarata thaila poorna prajvalito jnanamayah pradeepah.
Salutations O Vyasa(the author), one with the great intellect, with eyes like the fully blossomed lotus
Through whom, the lamp of light is filled with oil of knowledge.
प्रपन्नपारिजाताय तोत्रवेत्रैकपाणये ।
ज्ञानमुद्राय कृष्णाय गीतामृतदुहे नमः ॥ ३॥
Prapanna paarijaataaya , totra vetraika paanaye
Jnaana mudraaya Krishnaaya geetamrita duhe namah.
Salutations to Krishna, the bestower of all desires of the desirees.
The holder of JnanaMudra, the milker of the Elixir of Bhagavad Gita.
सर्वोपनिषदो गावो दोग्धा गोपाल नन्दनः ।
पार्थो वत्सः सुधीर्भोक्ता दुग्धं गीतामृतं महत् ॥ ४॥
Sarvaopanishado gaavo dogdhaa Gopala Nandana
Partho vatsah sudheer bhoktaa dugdham Geetamritam mahat.
All the Upanishads are cows; the Milker is Krishna, the cowherd boy;
Arjuna is the calf; Wise and pure men drink the milk, the supreme, immortal nectar of the Gita
वसुदेवसुतं देवं कंसचाणूरमर्दनम् ।
देवकीपरमानन्दं कृष्णं वन्दे जगद्गुरुम् ॥ ५॥
Vasudeva sutam devam kamsa Chanoora mardhanam
Devaki paramaanandam Krishnam vande Jagad Gurum.
O son of Vasudeva, O Lord who destroyed Kamsa and Chanuura
O Joy of mother Devaki, Salutations O Krishna, the teacher of the world.
भीष्मद्रोणतटा जयद्रथजला गान्धारनीलोत्पला शल्यग्राहवती कृपेण वहनी कर्णेन वेलाकुला ।
अश्वत्थामविकर्णघोरमकरा दुर्योधनावर्तिनी सोत्तीर्णा खलु पाण्डवै रणनदी कैवर्तकः केशवः ॥ ६॥
Bheeshma drona thata jayadratha jalaa , Gandhaara neelothphala, Shalyagrahavatee , kripena vahanee , karnena Velaakulaa
Aswathama Vikarnaa ghora Makaraa Duryodhana varthinee, Sotheerno khalu Pandavai , rana nadhee kaivarthakah Kesavah.
Bheeshma, Drona were the two banks , Jayadrada was the water, Shakuni (king of Gandhara) was the blue lotus, Shalya was the crocodile , Kripa was the tide , Karna was the mighty wave.
Aswathama and Vikarna were the dangerous alligators, Duryodhana was the whirlpool, Pandavas crossed this river of war with Krishna as their helmsman.
पाराशर्यवचः सरोजममलं गीतार्थगन्धोत्कटं नानाख्यानककेसरं हरिकथा- सम्बोधनाबोधितम् ।
लोके सज्जनषट्पदैरहरहः पेपीयमानं मुदा भूयाद्भारतपङ्कजं कलिमल- प्रध्वंसिनः श्रेयसे ॥ ७॥
Paraasharayavacha sarojamamalam Geetartha gandothkatam, Nanakhyanaka kesaram harikatha sambodhanaa bodhitam
Loke sajjana shat padairaharaha pepeeyamaanam mudaa, Bhooyad Bharatha pankajam kali mala pradhwamsinah shreyase.
May this lotus of the Mahabharata, born in the lake of the words of Vyasa (Son of Parashara), with intense sweet fragrance of the essense of Gita, with many stories as its stamens, fully opened by the discourses on Hari, the destroyer of the effects of Kaliyuga, and drunk joyously by the bees of good men in the world, day by day become the bestower of good to us.
मूकं करोति वाचालं पङ्गुं लङ्घयते गिरिम् ।
यत्कृपा तमहं वन्दे परमानन्दमाधवम् ॥ ८॥
Mookam karoti vaachaalam , pangum lankayathe girim
Yath krupa thaham vandhe Paramananda madhavam.
I bow down to Sri Krishna, the source of all joy, whose compassion brings speech from the lips of the dumb and carries the lame over mountains
यं ब्रह्मा वरुणेन्द्ररुद्रमरुतः स्तुन्वन्ति दिव्यैः स्तवैः वेदैः साङ्गपदक्रमोपनिषदैः गायन्ति यं सामगाः ।
ध्यानावस्थिततद्गतेन मनसा पश्यन्ति यं योगिनः यस्यान्तं न विदुः सुरासुरगणाः देवाय तस्मै नमः ॥ ९॥
Yam brahmaVaruna indra Rudra marutah sthunvanthi divyai stavai, Vedai saang padakrama upanishadai gayanhi yam Saamagaah
Dhyanasthita tadgatena manasa pasyanti yam Yoginah, Yasyantam na viduh surasura ganaah devaaya tasmai namah.
Salutation to him who is worshipped with divine chants by Brahma, Varuna, Indra , Rudra, Maruta, Who is pleased by singers of Sama Veda by singing Vedas and Upanishads following the word sequence, Who is seen by yogis who are absorbed in him, with their mind merging in him, And whose end is not known even by the hoards of devas and Asuras.

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