Thursday, September 20, 2018


Stotras - Prayer for Meditation(Med 1)

!! शिवध्यानम् !!
शान्तं पद्मासनस्थं शशधरमुकुटं पन्चवक्रं त्रिनेत्रं
शुलं वज्रं च खड्गं परशुमभयदं दक्षिणांगे बहन्तम् !
नागं पाशं च घन्टां ङमरुकसहितां चांकुशं वामभागे
नानालंकारदीप्तं स्फटिकमणिनिभं पार्वतीशं नममि !!
!! Sivadhyanam !!
Saantam padmasanastham SaSadharamukutam panchaBakram Trinetram
Sulam bajram cha khadgam pasumabhayadam DakhiNaMge bahantam !
NagaM paasaM cha ghantaM damarukasahitaM chamkuSaM baamabhage
naanaalaMkaradeeptaM Sphatikamaninibham parwateeSaM namaami !!
I prostrate myself before the five-faced Lord of Parvati, who is adorned with various ornaments, who shines like Sphatika jewel, who is seated peacefully in lotus pose, with moon-crested crown, with three eyes, wearing trident, Vajra, sword and axe on the right side, serpent, noose, bell, Damaru and spear on the left side and who gives protection from all fears to His devotees.

!! शङ्कराचार्यध्यानम् !!
पद्मासीनं प्रसान्तं य़मनिरतमनंगारितुल्यप्रभावं
फाले भस्माङ्किताभं स्मितरुचिरमुखांभोजमिन्दीवराक्षम् !
कम्बुग्रिवं कराभ्यामविहतविलसत्पुस्तकं ज्ञानमुद्रां
वन्द्यै गीर्वाणमुख्यैर्नतजनवरदं भावये शङ्करार्यम् !!
!! Samkaraacharyadhyanam !!
Padmaaseenam prasantam yamaniratamanaMgaaritulyaprabhaabaM
Phaale bhasmaankitabhaM smitaruchiramukhaMbhojamindiwarakhyam !
kamugriwaM karabhyamawihatawilasatpustakaM gyanamudraaM
Wandyai geerwaNamukhyairnatajanawaradM bhawaye Sankarayam !!
I meditate on Sri Sankaracharya who is seated in Padmasana with Jnanamudra, who is calm, endowed with virtues like Yama, Niyama, etc., whose glory is as great as that of Lord Siva, who wears the sacred ashes on the forehead, whose face resembles the blossomed lotus, with lotus-like eyes, possessing sacred books in hand, who is ever adored by people of high learning and wisdom, and who fulfils the desires of his devotees (who prostrate themselves before him).

!! ओङ्कारध्यानम् !!
ओङ्कारं निगमैकबेद्यमनिसं वेदान्ततत्त्वास्पदं
चोत्पत्तिस्थितिनाशहेतुममलं विश्वस्य विश्वात्मकम् !
विश्वत्राणपरायणं श्रुतिशतैः संप्रोच्यमानं विभुं
सत्यज्ञानमनन्तमुर्तिममलं शुद्धात्मकं तं भजे !!
!!! Omkaaradhyaanam !!!
OmkaaraM nigamaikabedyamanisaM bedaantatattwaaspadaM
chotpattisthitinaaSahetumamalaM biSwasya biSwaatmakam !
biSwatraaNaparaayaNaM SrutiSataiH saMprochyamaanaM bibhuM
satyagyaanamanantamurtimamalaM SudhdaatmakaM taM Baje !!!
I always meditate on the ever-pure, all-pervading Pranava, Omkara, which is known by the various Srutis as the source and support of Vedanta, as the cause of creation, existence and dissolution of this universe, which is the Soul of this universe and which is Truth, Knowledge and Infinity.

!! दत्तात्रेयध्यानम् !!
मालाकमण्डलुधरः करपद्मयुग्मे
मध्यस्थपाणियुगले डमरुत्रिशूलम् !
अध्यस्थ ऊर्ध्वकरयोः शुभशङ्खचक्रे
बन्दे तमत्रितनयं भुजषट्कयुक्तम् !!
!!! dattaatreyadhyaanam !!!
maalaakamaNDaludharaH karapadmayugme
madhyasthapaNiyugale DamarutriSulam !
adhyastha UrdrwakarayoH SubhaSankachakre
bande tamatritanayaM bhujaShaTkayuktam !!!
I meditate on Dattatreya, the son of Atri, who has six hands, who is with garland and Kamandalu in two hands, with Damaru and Trisula (trident) in the other two hands and with conch and discus in the upper two hands.

!! गणेशध्यानम् !!
गजाननं भूतगणादिसेवितं
कपित्थजम्बुफलसारभक्षणम् !
उमासुतं शोकविनाशकारणं
नमामि विघ्नेश्वरपादपङ्कजम् !!
!!! gaNeshadhyaanam !!!
gajaananaM bhutagaNaadisewitaM
kapitthajambuphalasaarabhakhyaNam !
umasutaM SokawinaashakaaraNaM
namami wighneSwarapaadapankajam !!!
I worship the lotus-feet of Ganesa, the son of Uma, the destroyer of all sorrows, who is served by the host of Devas and Bhutas (elementals) and others and who takes the essence of Kapittha (a fruit resembling Bilva or stone-apple) and Jambu fruits.

!! सुब्रह्मण्यध्यानम् !!
षडाननं कुंकुमरक्तवर्णं
महामतिं दिव्यमयुरवाहनम् !
रुद्रस्य सूनुं सुरसैन्यनाथं
गुहं सदाहं शरणं प्रपद्ये !!
!!! subrahmaNyadhyaanam !!!
ShaDaananaM kuMkumaraktawarNaM
mahaamatiM diwyamayurawaahanam !
rudrasya sUnuM surasainyanaathaM
guhaM sadaahaM SaraNam prapadye !!!
I always take refuge in Lord Guha of six faces, who is of deep red colour and infinite knowledge, who has the divine peacock to ride on, the son of Lord Siva and the leader of the army of the Devas.

!! सरस्वतीध्यानम् !!
या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता
या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना !
या ब्रह्माच्युतसङ्करप्रभृतिभिर्देवैः सदा वन्दिता
सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा !!
!!! saraswateedhyaanam !!!
yaa kundendutuShaarahaaradhabalaa yaa Subhrawastraawrutaa
yaa weeNawaradaNDamaNDitakaraa yaa Swetapadmaasanaa !
yaa brahmaachyutasankaraprabhutibhirRdewaiH sadaa wanditaa
saa maaM paatu saraswatee bhagawatee niHsheShajaaDyaapahaa !!!
May that Goddess Sarasvati who is of fair complexion, who wears a garland of snow-white Kunda flower, who wears pure white cloth, who holds the best and sacred Vina, who is seated on a white lotus, who is worshipped by Brahma, Achyuta, Sankara and others, who is the cause of removing all inertness and laziness, protect me.

!! महालक्ष्मीध्यानम् !!
वन्दे पद्मकरां प्रसन्नवदनां सौभाग्यदां भाग्यदां
हस्ताभ्यामभयप्रदां मणिगणैर्नानाविधैर्भुषिताम् !
भक्ताभिष्टफलप्रदां हरिहरब्रह्मादिभिस्सेवितां
पार्श्वे पङ्कजसङ्खपद्मनिधिभिर्युक्तां सदा शक्तिभिः !!
!!! mahaalakhmeedhyaanam !!!
wande padmakaraaM prasannawadanaaM saubhaagyadaaM bhaagyadaaM
hastaabhyaamabhayapradaaM maNigaNaiRrnaanaawidhairbhuShitaam !
bhaktaabhiShTaphalapradaaM hariharabrahmaadibhissewitaaM
paarSwe pankajasankhapadmanidhibhiryuktaaM sadaa SaktibhiH !!!
I meditate on Goddess Lakshmi who has lotus in Her hands, who is of cheerful countenance, who bestows fearlessness with both Her hands, who is decked with precious jewels of various kinds, who bestows the desired fruits on Her devotees, who is worshipped by Hari, Siva and Brahma, who is at all times surrounded by Saktis, and has Nidhis (treasures) known as Sankha, Padma and Mahapadma.

!! कृष्णध्यानम् !!
पीताम्बरादरुणबिम्बफलाधरोष्ठात् !
कृष्णात्परं किमपि तत्त्वमहं न जाने !!
!!! kRuShNadhyaanam !!!
peetaambaraadaruNabimbaphalaadharoShThaat !
kRuShNatparaM kimapi tattwamahaM na jane !!!
I know not anything higher than the lotus-eyed Krishna with hands adorned with flute, looking like a heavy-laden cloud, wearing yellow silk garment and with lips like ruddy Bimba fruit and face shining like the full moon.

!! रामध्यानम् !!
ध्यायेदाजानुबाहुं धृतशरधनुषं बद्धपद्मासनस्थं
पितं वासो वसानं नवकमलदलस्पर्धिनेत्रं प्रसन्नम् !
वामांकारुढसीतामुखकमलमिलल्लोचनं नीरदाभं
नानालंकारदीप्तं दधतमुरुजटामण्डलं रामचन्द्रम् !!
!!! raamadhyaanam !!!
dhyaayedaajaanubaahuM dhRutaSaradhanuShaM baddhapadmaasanasthaM
pitaM waaso wasaanaM nawakamaladalaspardhinetram prasannam !
waamaaMkaaruDhaseetamukhakamalamilallochanaM neeradaabhaM
naanaalaMkaaradeeptaM dadhatamurujaTaamaNDalaM raamachandram !!!
One should meditate on Sri Ramachandra, with hands reaching the knees, holding the bow and arrows, seated on the locked-up lotus posture, wearing a yellow garb, with eyes vying with the newly blossomed lotus petals, with a pleasant gait, who has Sita to his left side, who is blue like the clouds, who is adorned with all kinds of ornaments and having a big circle of Jata on the head.

!! गयत्रीध्यानम् !!
र्युक्तामिन्दुनिबद्धरत्नमुकुटां तत्त्वात्मवर्णात्मिकाम् !
गायत्रिं वरदाभयाङ्कुशकशां शुभ्रं कपालं गदां
शंखं चक्रमथारविन्दयुगलं हस्तैर्वहन्तीं भजे !!
!!! gayatreedhyaanam !!!
ryuktaamindunibadhdaratnamukuTaam tatwaatmawarNaatmikaam !
gaayatriM waradaabhayaankushakashaaM shubhraM kapaalaM gadaaM
shaMkhaM chakramathaarawindayugalaM hastairwahanteeM bhaje !!!
I meditate on the lotus-feet of Goddess Gayatri, whose face glows with the pearls, coral, gold, blue and white jewels, whose crown is decorated with pearls and the moon, who is the embodiment of the sacred Truth that signifies the essence of the Vedas, who has Her two hands as the giver of boons and fearlessness and who holds Ankusa (trident), Kasa (whip), the skull, Gada (club), the conch, the disc and two white lotus flowers in Her hands.

!! सूर्यध्यानम् !!
भास्वद्रत्नाढ्यमौलिः स्फुरदधररुचा रंजितश्चारुकेशो
भास्वान्यो दिव्यतेजाः करकमलयुतः स्वर्णवर्णः प्रभाभिः !
विश्वाकाशावकाशाग्रहपतिशिखरे भाति यश्चोदयाद्रौ
सर्वानन्दप्रदाता हरिहरनमितः पातु मां विश्वचक्षुः !!
!!! sUryadhyaanam !!!
bhaaswadratnaadhyamauliH sphuradadhararuchaa raMjitaSchaarukeSo
bhaaswaanyo diwyatejaaH karakamalayutaH swarNawarNaH prabhaabhiH !
wiSwaakaaSaawakaaSaagrahapatiSikhare bhaati yaSchodayaadrou
sarwaanandapradaataa hariharanamitaH paatu maaM wiSwachakhyuH !!!
May the Sun-God (Surya) the eye of the world, who is the bestower of all bliss, who is worshipped by Lord Hari, Siva and other gods, who shines in the rising mountains, who shines with jewel-decked crown, who is the lord of the planets, who pervades the whole universe, who shines with the glow of His lips and beautiful hair and who is endowed with divine splendour, protect me.
(ref sivananda site)

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