Friday, October 13, 2017

Spiritual significance of Kartik Purnima(Kartick puja.16)

Spiritual significance of Kartik Purnima(Kartick puja.16)


1. The Full Moon Purnima day of the Shukla paksha (waxing moon) of the Kartik month is considered very auspicious.
2. It marks the end of Kartik month and start of Margshirsha.
3.  It also ends the Sharad Ritu and marks the start of Hemant Ritu. As per Ayurveda pitta gets aggravated in shard and Kapha in Hemant Ritu.
4.  With it also starts the winter.
5. It is also called Diwali of the Gods and Tripuri Purnima. The day marks the victory of Lord Shiva over the demons TripuriTripuri Purnima is one of the most propitious days for worshipping of Shiva, next only to the Maha Shivaratri.
6. Kartik bath at Ganga is considered one of the mashes sans (holy baths) of the year.  It gives the required vitamin D. As it marks the start of winter it is also the last day to take Ganga Snana.
7.  With it also starts the marriage season. Maximum marriages take place on this day.
8.  The whole month of ‘Kartika’ is considered sacred among all the twelve months of the year with a festival almost every third day. The last five days are considered more sacred (Panchaka) and ends with Kartika Poornima.  The five days are devoted to worship of Tulsi, Awala, Shiva and sun bath.
9.  Jains celebrate the Purnima as Deva Diwali with the worship of Lord Mahavira.
10. Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this day for his birth of Matsya (fish) avatar.
11. It’s also the birthday of Vrinda, the epitome of the Tulsi plant and of lord Kartikeya, who is the chief of all gods and is the last day to perform the ‘Tulsi Vivah.
12. Karthik Poornima is also dedicated to the dead ancestors.
13. The Kartik Purnima festival also coincides with Guru Nanak’s Birthday.
14.The kartik purnima is also Mahavir jayanti 

Kartik is the eighth lunar month in Hindu calendar. The full moon day during the month of Kartik is known as Kartik Purnima. Depending on people and the region, the full moon day in Hindu calendar is also referred as Poornima, Poonam, Pournami and Pournimasi. In Vaishnava tradition Kartik month is known as Damodara month. Damodara is one of the names of Lord Krishna.

In Hindu calendar, Kartik is the holiest month among all lunar months. Many people take pledge to take holy dip before sunrise in Ganges and other holy rivers every day during the month of Kartik. The ritual of holy dip during Kartik month begins on the day of Sharad Purnima and ends on Kartik Purnima.

Kartik Purnima is also very significant as many rituals and festivals culminate on the day of Kartik Purnima. The festivities of Kartika Purnima begin on the day of Prabodhini Ekadashi. Ekadashi is the eleventh day and Purnima is the fifteenth day of Kartika month during Shukla Paksha. Hence Kartik Purnima festivities last for five days.

Tulasi-Vivah Utsav which begins on the day of Prabodhini Ekadashi culminates on the day of Kartik Purnima. As per religious books, Tulasi Vivah can be performed on any suitable day between Ekadashi to Purnima in the month of Kartik. However, many people choose the day of Kartik Purnima to perform marriage rituals of Goddess Tulasi and Lord Shaligram, an iconic representation of Lord Vishnu.

Bhishma Panchaka fasting which begins on Ekadashi day ends on the day of Kartik Purnima. In Vaishnava tradition, the utmost importance is given to Bhishma Panchaka fasting during the last five days of Kartik month. The five days fasting is known as Bhishma Panchaka as well as Vishnu Panchaka.

Vaikuntha Chaturdashi fasting and Puja is performed on Chaturdashi Tithi i.e. one day before Kartik Purnima. It is believed that Lord Vishnu worshipped Lord Shiva on the day of Kartik Chaturdashi during Shukla Paksha and offered Him one thousand lotus flowers. Many Shiva temples organize special Puja during which Lord Vishnu is worshipped along with Lord Shiva. On the day of Vaikuntha Chaturdashi, a holy dip in Ganges before Sunrise at Manikarnika Ghat in Varanasi is considered very significant among devotees of Lord Shiva.

Dev Diwali which is also known as Diwali of Gods is celebrated on the day of Kartik Purnima. It is believed that Lord Shiva killed demon Tripurasura on the day of Kartik Purnima. Hence Kartik Purnima is also known as Tripuri Purnima and Tripurari Purnima. As per legends of Tripuri Purnima, Tripurasura defeated Gods and started ruling their kingdom. When Tripurasura was killed, Gods were overjoyed and celebrated the day of Kartik Purnima as the day of illuminations. Hence thousands of earthen lamps are lit at all temples as well as at the bank of river Ganga on the day of Kartik Purnima.

Kartik Purnima 2022 Date And Timing

Kartik Poornima falls on the 8th of November, 2022, tuesday. 

According to Dhrik Panchangam, the full moon will enter at 4:15 PM on the 7th of November and end at 4:31 PM on the 8th of November.

"Time For The Festivity The whole month of 'Kartika' is considered to be the most sacred among all the twelve months "of the year. During this month all the pious Hindus refrain from eating fish, meat or egg. All of them take pre-dawn bath and visit temples as a matter of routine. The last five days are considered more sacred, in which there is wide participation. Taken together the days are called 'Panchaka', the last day being the "Kartika Purnima". Every day they take food only once in the afternoon which is known as 'Habisha'.
A Five-Day Celebration
For all the five days the women after purificatory bath in the early morning draw beautiful flower-designs around the 'chaura' (a small temple like structure with a 'Tulsi' plant overhead) with col-
our powders produced indigenously. Fasting for the day is commonly observed. Most of the Shiva temples get crowded with devotees offering prayers to Lord Shiva who is said to have killed the demon 'Tripurasura' on this day. Group singing of 'kirtans' and loud beating of 'Mrudanga' and cymbals continue for the whole day.
Boita Bandana - An Ancient Festival
Another festival that takes place in the morning is significant to the ancient history of Orissa. This reminds the maritime glory of the State. In olden days the 'Sadhabas' (Sea traders) used to sail off to distant islands like Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Ceylon etc. for their trade by huge boats ('Boita'). The women of the community were giving them a hearty send off on this day. The days are now gone, but the memory is still alive. Now, people float tiny boats made out of cork and coloured paper or bark of the banyan tree while reminiscing the past glory. This is called "Boita Bandana".
The next fortnight of the month is spent propitiating the dead ancestors. In every evening, a covered but perforated earthen pot carrying an earthen lamp inside is hoisted to a pole to help guide the ancestral spirits to descend on their respective villages and homes. The members of a family light a bunch of jute-stalks with the invocation "Oh! The ancestors come in the darkness and go in the light." This is called "Badabadua Paka".
Bali Yatra
In the city of Cuttack and some other places huge images of "Kartikeswar" are built and worshipped. At night they are taken out in procession and are immersed in the river Mahanadi, near a Shiva temple. Exactly at this place a big fair known as "Bali Yatra" is held for about three-four days. The name of the festival has two significances. Some are of opinion that on this day the Sadhabas were sailing off to Bali and therefore, the name. Some others believe that 'Sri Chaitanya' the great Vaishnavite saint of Bengal on his way to Puri landed on this day at Cuttack after crossing the sand-bed (Sand is 'Bali') of the river Mahanadi.
Thousands of People congregate at the fairground where innumerable varieties of goods are bought and sold. People also enjoy boating with friends and family in the moonlit night."

कार्तिक पूर्णिमा: इस पूजा से मिलेगा सुख, समृद्धि, सौभाग्य का वर

कार्तिक पूर्णिमा का अपने आप में बहुत खास महत्व है, इस दिन को ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शिव, अंगिरा �"र आदित्य जैसे देवता�"ं का दिन माना गया है
संसार की रचना के समय से ही कार्तिक पूर्णिमा के दिन का अपने आप में बहुत खास महत्व है। हिंदू धर्म में इस तिथि को पवित्र मानने के पीछे एक कारण यह भी है कि इस दिन को ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शिव, अंगिरा और आदित्य जैसे देवताओं का दिन माना गया है। पुराणों और शास्त्रों की कथा के अनुसार कार्तिक पूर्णिमा के दिन ही भगवान शिव ने त्रिपुरासुर नामक महाबलशाली राक्षस का संहार किया था इसी कारण इसका महत्व केवल वैष्णव भक्तों के लिए ही नहीं बल्कि शिव भक्तों के लिए भी है।
इस दिन श्रीसत्यनारायण की कथा सुनने का प्रचलन है और शाम के समय मंदिरों, चौराहों के साथ-साथ पीपल के वृक्ष, तुलसी के पौधे पर भी खास तौर पर दीपक जलाए जाते हैं। इस दिन गंगा को भी दान अर्पण किया जाता है। पुराणों में उल्लेख है कि कार्तिक पूर्णिमा को धर्म, अर्थ, काम और मोक्ष जैसे चारों पुरुषार्थों को देने वाला दिन माना गया है और स्वयं विष्णु ने ब्रह्मा को, ब्रह्मा ने नारद को और नारद ने महाराज पृथु को कार्तिक मास के दिन सर्वगुण सम्पन्न महात्म्य के रूप में बताया है।
क्या करते हैं कार्तिक पूर्णिमा के दिन
ऐसा माना जाता है कि कार्तिक पूर्णिमा के दिन से शुरू करके प्रत्येक पूर्णिमा को व्रत और जागरण करने से सभी मनोकामनाएं सिद्ध होती हैं। इस दिन भक्त स्नान, दान, हवन, यज्ञ और उपासना करते हैं ताकि उन्हें मन चाहे फल की प्राप्ति हो। इस दिन गंगास्नान और शाम के समय दीपदान करना भी बहुत शुभ माना गया है। कार्तिक पूर्णिमा के दिन भारी तादाद में गंगा जैसी पवित्र नदियों में स्नान करना शुभ माना जाता है। शास्त्रों में कहा गया है कि भरणी नक्षत्र में गंगा स्नान व पूजन करने से सभी तरह के ऐश्वर्य और सुख-सुविधाओं की प्राप्ति होती है।
कार्तिक पूर्णिमा का महत्व
साल में करीब 12 अमावस्या पड़ती हैं लेकिन साल की सबसे काली और लंबी अमावस्या की रात कार्तिक मास की अमावस्या यानी दीपावली के दिन मनाई जाती है और इसके 15 दिन बाद कार्तिक मास की पूर्णिमा पड़ती है जो संसार में फैले अंधेरे का सर्वनाश करती है। लोगों में ऐसी आस्था है कि इस दिन ईश्वर की आराधना करने से मनुष्य के अंदर छिपी सभी तामसिक प्रवृत्तियों का नाश होता है और इनकी समाप्ति के साथ ही मनुष्य देव स्वरूप प्राप्त कर सकता है। कार्तिक में पूरे माह ब्रह्म मुहूर्त में नदी, तालाब, कुण्ड, नहर में स्त्रान कर नियमपूर्वक भगवान की पूजा की जाती है। कलियुग में कार्तिक मास व्रत को मोक्ष का द्वार बताया गया है।
गंगा स्नान का महत्व
शास्त्रों में कार्तिक पूर्णिमा के दिन गंगा स्नान का बड़ा महत्व बताया गया है। ऐसा श्रद्धापूर्वक माना जाता है कि कार्तिक पूर्णिमा के दिन गंगा स्नान करने से पूरे साल गंगा मईया आप पर प्रसन्न रहती है। इस दिन न केवल गंगा बल्कि अन्य पवित्र नदियों के साथ-साथ तीर्थों में भी स्नान करने की प्रथा है यमुना, गोदावरी, नर्मदा, गंडक, कुरुक्षेत्र, अयोध्या, काशी में भी स्नान करने से विशेष पुण्य की प्राप्ति होती है।
ऐसे करें पूजन
इस दिन सुबह स्नान करने के बाद पूरा दिन निराहार अर्थात बिना भोजन के रहा जाता है और भगवान विष्णु की आराधना करते हुए पूरे दिन भगवान का भजन करते हैं । इस दिन मंदिरों को विशेष रूप से सजाया जाता है। कार्तिक पूर्णिमा का व्रत करने वाले भक्त ब्राह्मण को भोजन भी कराते हैं, जिससे विशेष पुण्य की प्राप्ति होती है। ब्राह्मण को भोजन से पूर्व हवन भी कराया जाता है।

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