Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Govardhan Puja (Kartick puja.10)

Govardhan Puja (Kartick puja.10)




Govardhan Puja

Govardhan Puja Day, Date and Time

The festival is celebrated during the Karthik month of the Hindu calendar. This year, it will be celebrated on oct  26. .

Govardhan Puja Pratahkal Muhurat: 6:29o 8:47
Duration: 2 Hours 14Mins

Govardhana Puja

The day after Diwali is called Annakuta, or Govardhana Puja. On this day the inhabitants of Vrindavan (Lord Krishna’s abode on Earth) used to hold a festival to honor King Indra, the demigod responsible for providing the rains essential for a successful harvest.
One day, however, sensing that Indra had become overly proud of his position as king of heaven, Lord Krishna convinced the residents of Vrindavan to modify their festival and celebrate Govardhana Hill instead, arguing that it was the fertile soils on the hill that provided the grass upon which the cows and bulls grazed; that the cows and bulls who provided milk and ploughed the lands should be worshiped. This turn of events naturally upset the mighty Indra, who retaliated with terrifying rains and thunderstorms.
Seeing this, Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, calmly lifted Govardhana Hill with the little finger of His left hand and held it up like a giant umbrella, providing a shelter for the people and animals of Vrindavan from the torrential downpours. The rains intensified. Indra's fury raged. Finally, after seven days, beholding the wonder of the situation and realizing the futility of his own actions, King Indra surrendered. He came down from the heavens and bowed before Lord Krishna with folded hands, offering prayers and asking for forgiveness. He realized his true position as servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In this way Lord Krishna demonstrated that He is Deva Deva, the Lord of the Demigods, and that any purpose for which demigods might be worshiped could easily be served by worshiping Him, the supreme cause of all causes.
Several thousand years later, on this same day, Srila Madhavendra Puri established a temple for the self-manifest Gopala Deity on top of Govardhana Hill.
To celebrate this festival, devotees build a replica of Govardhana Hill made of various opulent foods, worship Lord Krishna as the lifter of Govardhana Hill, worship the hill as His incarnation, and worship the cows and bulls who are dear to the Lord. At the end of the festival, the hill of prasada (sanctified food) is distributed to the public. All Vaishnava temples in India and throughout the world observe this ceremony, and hundreds of people are fed prasada according to the capacity of each temple.

How to celebrate Annakut or Govardhan Puja

People of Gokul and Mathura celebrate this festival with great enthusiasm and pleasure. People make round, also known as Parikrama (which starts from the bath in the Manasi Ganga and puja of Manasi Devi, Harideva and Brahma Kunda. There are approximately eleven Silas on the way of Govardhana Parikrama which have their own special significance) of the Govardhan hill and offer Puja.
People make a form of Govardhan Dhari Ji through the heap of cow dung, mountain of food and adorn it with the flowers and worship. The mean of Annakut is, people make variety of Bhog to present to the Lord Krishna. Idols of the God are bathed in the milk and clothed with new clothes as well as jewelry. Then the worship is performed through the traditional prayers, Bhog and aarti.
It is celebrated all over the India by decorating the temples of Lord Krishna and organizing a lot of events and after puja foods are distributed among the people. People get blessings of the Lord Krishna by having prasad and touching their head to the feet of God.

Significance of Govardhan Puja

People offer puja to the Govardhan Mountain by preparing Annakut (various types of food) and through the singing and dancing. They consider that the mountain is the real God of them as he provides the way to live life, provides shelter in severe conditions and save their life. There are various customs and traditions of celebrating Govardhan puja every year with the great pleasure. People worship Lord Krishna at this special day to commemorate the victory of God over the evil power. People worship Govardhan Mountain in the belief that they would be protected by this mountain ever and they would always get the source of living.
People offer bath to their cow and bulls in the morning and decorate with the saffron and garlands etc. They make cow dung heap and worship by offering Kheer, Batashe, garland, sweet and delicious foods with immense enthusiasm. They prepare Naivedya of the Chappan Bhog (means 56 food items) or 108 food items in order to offer to lord during puja.
Govardhana Parbat is just like peacock shape which can be described as; Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda makes the eyes, Dan Ghati makes the neck, Mukharavinda makes the mouth and Punchari makes back as well as tail feathers.
 In Maharashtra the same day is celebrated as Bali Pratipada or Bali Padva. The day commemorates victory of Vamana, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, over King Bali and subsequent pushing of Bali to Patal Lok (the underworld). It is believed that due to boon given by Lord Vamana, Asura King Bali visits the Prithvi Lok from the Patala Lok on this day.

Most of the time Govardhan Puja day coincides with Gujarati New Year day, which is celebrated on Shukla Paksha Pratipada of Kartik month. Depending on starting time of Pratipada Tithi, Govardhan Puja celebrations could be done one day before Gujarati New Year day.
गोवर्धन पूजा और बालि प्रतिपदा

अधिकतर गोवर्धन पूजा का दिन दीवाली पूजा के अगले दिन पड़ता है और इस दिन को भगवान कृष्ण द्वारा इन्द्र देवता को पराजित किये जाने के उपलक्ष्य में मनाया जाता है। कभी-कभी दीवाली और गोवर्धन पूजा के बीच एक दिन का अन्तराल हो सकता है।

धार्मिक ग्रन्थों में कार्तिक माह की प्रतिपदा तिथि के दौरान गोवर्धन पूजा उत्सव को मनाने का बताया गया है। हिन्दू कैलेण्डर में गोवर्धन पूजा का दिन अमावस्या तिथि के एक दिन पहले भी पड़ सकता है और यह प्रतिपदा तिथि के प्रारम्भ होने के समय पर निर्भर करता है।

गोवर्धन पूजा को अन्नकूट पूजा भी कहा जाता है। इस दिन गेहूँ, चावल जैसे अनाज, बेसन से बनी कढ़ी और पत्ते वाली सब्जियों से बने भोजन को पकाया जाता है और भगवान कृष्ण को अर्पित किया जाता है।

महाराष्ट्र में यह दिन बालि प्रतिपदा या बालि पड़वा के रूप में मनाया जाता है। वामन जो कि भगवान विष्णु के एक अवतार है, उनकी राजा बालि पर विजय और बाद में बालि को पाताल लोक भेजने के कारण इस दिन उनका पुण्यस्मरण किया जाता है। यह माना जाता है कि भगवान वामन द्वारा दिए गए वरदान के कारण असुर राजा बालि इस दिन पातल लोक से पृथ्वी लोक आता है।

अधिकतर गोवर्धन पूजा का दिन गुजराती नव वर्ष के दिन के साथ मिल जाता है जो कि कार्तिक माह की शुक्ल पक्ष के दौरान मनाया जाता है। गोवर्धन पूजा उत्सव गुजराती नव वर्ष के दिन के एक दिन पहले मनाया जा सकता है और यह प्रतिपदा तिथि के प्रारम्भ होने के समय पर निर्भर करता है।

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