Tuesday, July 4, 2017

ॐ Guru Purnima ॐ(Asadha puja 5)

ॐ  Guru Purnima ॐ(Asadha puja 5)


Guru Purnima

3rdJuly 2023

Guru Purnima Timings

Purnima Tithi Begins - July 2, 2023 - 08:21 PM
Purnima Tithi ends ..July 3,2023-  05.08 PM

Full moon day during Ashadha month is known as Guru Purnima day. Traditionally this day is reserved for Guru Puja or Guru Worship. On this day disciples offer Puja or pay respect to their Gurus. Guru refers to spiritual guide who enlighten disciples by his knowledge and teachings.

Guru Purnima is also known as Vyasa Purnima and this day is commemorated as birth anniversary of Veda Vyasa. Veda Vyasa was the author as well as a character in the Hindu epic Mahabharata.

Adi Shankara, Sri Ramanuja Acharya and Sri Madhvacharya are some of the noteworthy Gurus in Hinduism.

Guru Purnima is also celebrated by Buddhists in the honor of Gautama Buddha to commemorate the day when Buddha gave his first sermon at Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Guru Poornima is an Indian festival that is celebrated as per the Hindu Moon Sign calendar to express reverence towards your Guru, your teacher or mentors. It falls on the day of the full moon or Poornima of Ashadh month. Etymologically, the word Guru has been derived from two parts - Gu that means darkness and Ru that is the antidote to the darkness. Naturally, the word Guru implies someone who shows takes us away from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge.

There is a Shloka that states -
Agyan timirandhasya gyananjan shalakaya
chakshurunmilitam yen tasmai shri gurave namah

The festival of Guru Poornima is believed to have been celebrated by Buddhists first, as their Guru - Lord Buddha is said to have delivered his first sermon at Saarnaath on this day. Hindus used to pay homage to Vyaas Muni on the day of Guru Poornima. This is why Guru Poornima is also known as Vyaas Poornima and Gnyaan Poornima, it also being the birthday of Guru Ved Vyaas.

Currently, those walking on the spiritual path tend to express their reverence towards Shankarachaarya. In fact, Guru Poornima is not the festival of spiritual masters only. You may also express reverence to your school teacher or any other kind of teacher/ guide/ mentor on this auspicious day.

The planet of Jupiter – kind, optimistic, giver of knowledge and wisdom that it is – is also referred to as Guru, and thus, myriad literature also associates Guru Poornima with the worship and offering of reverence to the Lord Jupiter or Guru – the benign planetary teacher! You may also please the Lord Jupiter this Guru Poornima or offer respect to your Gurus by instituting an attuned (Siddha) Guru Yantra on this day.

It is also believed that Lord Dattatrey considered some animals and birds as his Guru. So, the enstire idea is to look for positive powers around you, and take them as a blessing, imbibe them whole-heartedly, from anyone who has them.

Guru is also equivalent to 'Tridev' - Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, and as per the Indian culture, only Guru (the spiritual master) is considered as someone who can show the path that leads to one of these Gods. The following Shloka confirms this belief -

Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnuhu, Guru Devo Maheswaraha
Guru Saakshaat Parabhrahma, Tasmai Sri Gurve Namah

In the contemporary scenario, this festival is celebrated or observed in various ways in schools, institutes of higher learning and creative arts organisations. The creative art forms of dance and music follow this tradition of the Guru-Shishya Parampara very dearly. Students trained under the Hindustani Classical music tradition express their high regards towards their Gurus by giving public performances on this day. In various cities of India, Indian classical music shows are also arranged on this auspicious day.

The place of Guru is very high in the Indian culture and mythology. And, they are filled with the famous legends wherein the pupils have gone to lengths to please or appease their mentors. We are also aware of Sandipani Rushi, Eklavy, Baiju Bawra and many other stories related to Guru Shishya.

Guru Poornima is basically the festivals of the 'seekers' – the seekers of the divine wisdom, knowledge, spirituality, peace and greater prudence.

Guru Poornima can also be called as the 'Teacher's Day', as per the Indian spiritual practices and culture. Sant Kabir has rightly stated that -

Guru ke sumiran maatr se, nasht vighn anant
Taase sarv aarambh me(i), Dhyaavat hai sab sant

(Just by remembering your Guru, you will be able to overcome all the obstacles. That's why at the beginning of everything, Guru is remembered – not only by the saints, but also by many common people)

 Significance of The Holy Guru-Purnima Day
Swami Sivananda

Sankaram Sankaracharyam Kesavam Badarayanam;
Sutra-Bhashya-Kritau Vande Bhagavantau Punah Punah

I adore Lord Siva, Lord Vishnu, Bhagavan Vyasa and Sri Sankaracharya. I again and again prostrate to Sri Vyasa who wrote the Vedanta Sutras, and to Sri Sankaracharya who wrote the commentaries thereon (Guru Vandanam).

The full-moon day in the month of Ashada is the extremely auspicious and holy day of Guru-Purnima. On this Ashada Purnima Day, sacred to the memory of the great sage Sri Vyasa Bhagavan or Sri Krishna Dvaipayana, Sannyasins settle at some place to study, do Vedantic Vichara, and discourse on the thrice-blessed Brahma Sutras composed by Maharshi Vyasa. Sri Veda-Vyasa has done unforgettable service to all humanity for all time by editing the four Vedas, writing the eighteen Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Bhagavata. We can attempt to repay this deep debt of gratitude we owe him only by constant study of his works and practice of his teachings imparted for the regeneration of humanity in the iron age or Kali Yuga. In honour of this divine personage, all Sadhakas and devotees perform Vyasa Puja on this day; aspirants worship their Guru. Mahatmas and Sadhus are honoured and entertained, and acts of charity done by all Grihastis with deep faith and sincerity. Chaturmasa for Sannyasins begins from this day. Sannyasins stay in one place during the rainy season for four months, study the Brahma Sutras, and practise meditation.

Significance Of The Guru-Purnima Day

Mark fully the deep significance of this great day. Ashada Purnima heralds the Chaturmasa, or the setting in of the eagerly awaited rains. The water, drawn up and stored as clouds in the hot summer, now manifests in plentiful showers that usher in the advent of fresh life everywhere. Even so do you all begin seriously to put into actual working all the theory and philosophy that you have stored up in you through patient study. Commence practical spiritual Sadhana right from this day. Generate fresh waves of spirituality. Let all that you have read, heard, seen and learnt become, through Sadhana, transformed into a continuous outpouring of universal love, ceaseless loving service and continuous prayer and worship of the Lord seated in all beings.

Live on milk and fruits on this day and practise rigorous Japa and Dhyana. Study the Brahma Sutras and do some lakhs of Japa (Anushthana or Purascharana) of your Guru Mantra or Ishta Mantra, during the Chaturmasa. You will be highly benefited.

As the day of Guru-Puja or worship of one’s preceptor this is a day of pure joy to the sincere aspirant. Thrilled by the expectation of offering his reverent homage to the beloved Guru, aspirant awaits this occasion with eagerness and devotion. It is the Guru alone that breaks the binding cords of attachment and releases the aspirant from the trammels of earthly existence. The Sruti says: “To that high-souled aspirant, whose devotion to the Lord is great and whose devotion to his Guru is as great as that to the Lord, these secrets explained, become illuminated.” Guru is Brahman or Isvara Himself. He guides and inspires you from the innermost core of your being. He is everywhere.

Behold The Entire Universe As Guru-Svarupa

Have a new angle of vision. Behold the entire universe as Guru-Svarupa. See the guiding hand, the awakening voice, the illumining touch of the Guru in every object in this Creation. The whole world will now stand transformed before your changed vision. The Virat Guru will reveal all the precious secrets of life and bestow wisdom. The Supreme Guru, manifest in visible Nature, will teach you the most valuable lessons of life. Worship daily this Guru of Gurus, the Guru who taught even Avadhuta Dattatreya. The silent all-enduring earth with its lofty forbearance, the shady fruit-bearing tree with its willing self-sacrifice, the mighty Banyan tree (Pipal) reposing with patience in the tiny seed, the dripping drops whose persistence wears away the rocks, the planets and the seasons with their orderly punctuality and regularity are divine Gurus to him who will look, listen and receive.

Purify And Progress

Become a personification of receptivity. Empty yourself of your petty ego-sense. All the treasures locked up in the bosom of Nature will become yours! You will have progress and perfection in an amazingly short time. Become pure and unattached as the mountain breeze. As the river flows continuously, steadily and constantly towards its goal, the ocean, by moving every moment of your life towards the Supreme State of Existence-Knowledge-Bliss, let all your thoughts, all your words, all your actions be directed only towards the Goal.

The moon shines by reflecting the dazzling light of the sun. It is the full-moon of Purnima-Day that reflects in full splendour the glorious light of the sun. It glorifies the sun. Purify yourself through the fire of service and Sadhana, and like the full moon, reflect the glorious Light of the Atman. Become the full reflectors of Brahmic splendour, the Light of lights. Make this your goal, to become a living witness to Divinity, the brilliant Sun of suns!

Tat Tvam Asi

Brahman or the Supreme Self alone is real. He is the Soul of all. He is All in all. He is the Essence of this universe. He is the Unity that never admits of a duality under all the varieties and diversities of nature. Thou art this immortal, all-pervading, all-blissful Brahman. Thou art That—Tat Tvam Asi. Realise this and be free.

Remember the four important verses of the Brahma Sutras: (i) Atha-Ato Brahma-Jijnasa—Now, therefore, the enquiry into Brahman. (ii) Janmadyasya Yatah—From which proceed the origin, etc. (iii) Sastra-Yonitvat—The scriptures being the means of right knowledge. (iv) Tat Tu Samanvayat—But that because It is the main support.

Now sing: Jaya Guru Siva Guru Hari Guru Ram,
                Jagad-Guru Param Guru Sat-Guru Syam.

Remember and adore Sri Vyasa and the Brahma-Vidya Gurus. May their blessings be upon you all! May you all cut asunder the knot of Avidya and shine as blessed Jivanmuktas, shedding peace, joy and light everywhere!


Guru Purnima Message

by swami chidananda

Om Namo Bhagavte Sivanandaya!

Salutations and worshipful Pranams to the sacred lotus-Feet of the Guru whose form is to be an object of our meditation, whose feet are to be adored, whose words are most holy truths and whose Grace grants us supreme Divine beatitude!

Guru is one who shad destroyed his mind and who knows how one has to destroy it. The only thing that stands in the way of our spiritual realization is our own mind and it is to remove this obstacle that one comes to the Guru and surrenders himself unto him. But, then, Guru-Kripa has not only to be bestowed, not only to be given; it has also to be received. In receiving it, we immortalize ourselves, divinise ourselves. We must be ready to receive it; then it will flow into us and raise us to the highest realm of immortality, eternal light and infinite bliss. But, then, how can we receive it? How should we conduct ourselves if we are to receive this Grace?

Carry out the teachings of the Guru; and this should be our Sadhana day in day out. There may be certain inner qualifications which are necessary for the full and effective reception of divine grace; even after having attained all the qualifications of the ideal disciple, we have to wait in humility and in patience. There is no loss here, for the goal is immortal life, freedom. If we have become willing servants and willing, obedient disciples, then it is the natural law that Guru-Kripa may come in an unpleasant form. It may come in the form of a series of disappointments. We may think that Guru has not bestowed his Kripa upon us; but that disappointment itself will be his Kripa. We are not fit to judge whether we are ready to receive Guru-Kripa or not, and what form it would take. The best thing is to humbly leave everything to the Guru.

“I do not know whether I am a disciple or not. Therefore, O ocean of mercy and compassion, pray make me a proper disciple. Generate in me that Mumukshutva which makes me a disciple and give me the spirit of willing obedience.

“Help me in trying to follow thy instructions. Help me in trying to mould myself upon the pattern set up by thee”; this must be our constant prayer. And, by this alone shall we be able to draw the Kripa of our Guru and make our life fruitful. And the perfect way of praying is trying our best to be real disciples.

Beloved follower of Sri Gurudev, to send this message into you, is a great privilege and a joy to me. It is a rare blessedness to think of the Satguru, a rarer blessedness to speak about Him, to glorify and praise Him and a supreme good fortune to worship Him. To meditate upon the Guru is the greatest blessing that cam come into the life of a seeking soul. Our sowbhagya was verily great when God granted us all, the living and life-transforming contact and association with a Mahapurusha like Gurudev Sivananda. Our supreme and unique Sowbhagya would still be this same living contact if we earnestly endeavour and sincerely strive to keep alive and maintain this link with Sri Gurudev even now by our regular worship of His Living Presence. TO KEEP ALIVE THIS VITAL CONTACT WORSHIP IS THE SPIRITUAL METHOD.

Worship is the means of approaching the Invisible. It takes us closer to the Intangible Divine Essence in which form Gurudev now abides after setting aside the physical in which He dwelt, and through which He moved with us all on a physical plane. By regular worship, the seeker strengthens his spiritual bond with the Guru even beyond the time of his physical existence. By preserving such a bond, the disciple is able to draw upon himself the continued Guru-Kripa. He is blessed with guidance and protected by His benedictions in a mysterious way. Adore thy Guru and pay homage unto Him who has opened thy eyes to the glorious purpose of life, and who has shown you the true path to blessedness and bliss. This is your foremost duty now. O Seeker after Peace and Joy! Herein lied thy Supreme Welfare.

The most holy Guru Purnima is a great annual occasion that privides you an invaluable opportunity of re-establishing this vital inner contact with Gurudev. It is a day when all the devotees and disciples earnestly put forth special efforts to experience their oneness with the Nirakara Guru Tattva. It is an occasion, a holy and auspicious occasion for renewing your inner ties with the Guru upon the spiritual plane. To us all, this day assumes an added solemn significance this year, because now—more than ever—we need to invoke, re-create and strengthen the spiritual contact. For, upon last Guru Purnima Day Sri Gurudev still lived in His physical form. But his year, for the first time in all our long years of blessed contact and spiritual association with the Guru, this blessing is no more. The Guru exists; SRI GURUDEV IS WITH US. In the depths of our spiritual being, we must experience the presence of His pure spiritual Self. This we shall do in a special way upon Guru Purnima Day.



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