Sunday, April 23, 2017

Ramanujacharya jayanti(baisakh puja.5)

Ramanujacharya jayanti(baisakh puja.5)

Ramanuja Jayanti

Sri Ramanuja Jayanti Sunday 6th May 2022
Sri Ramanujacharya Jayanthi Timings:
1004th Birth Anniversary of Sri Ramanujacharya
1005th Birth Anniversary of Sri Ramanujacharya
Ramanuja Jayanti on Friday, May 6, 2022
Thiruvathirai Nakshathram Begins - 06:17 AM on May 05, 2022
Thiruvathirai Nakshathram Ends - 09:20 AM on May 06, 2022


Ramanujacharya was a great saint. To be honest, he worked hard to make everybody, right from the cobbler to the nobler to reach the lotus feet of Narayana, by preaching what he alone was taught, the eight lettered mantra "OM NAMO NARAYANA" to one and all. All his teachings are gems and everyone should adorn them. Sri Ramanuja (1017 - 1137 A.D.), the most important philosopher-saint of Sri Vaishnavam and one of the most dynamic characters of Hinduism. He was a philosophical as well as a social reformer, displaying a catholicity that was nearly unparalleled in Hindu religious history before him. He revitalized Indian philosophy and popular religion so much that nearly every aspect of Hinduism has been influenced by his work. His life and works show a truly unique personality, combining contemplative insight, logical acumen, catholicity, charismatic energy, and selfless dedication to God. The less known fact even among Srivaishnavas about this well known Acharya by whose name Srivaishnava philosophy is called 'Ramanuja Darsanam' and who is hailed as "Sri Vaishnava Siddhanta Nirdhaarana Saarva bouma". HIS AVATARA AND EARLY DAYS: Ilaya Perumal was born to Kesava Perumal Somayaji Dikhsitar and Kanthimathi Ammal at Sriperumpudur. Just as Sage Vasishta on seeing the brilliance in the face of the child named him as Lakshmana saying "Lakshmano Lakshmi Sampannaha", Periya Thiru malai Nambi struck by the Tejas of the child, named him after Lakshmana as Ilaya Perumal. There is a sloka in Yadhavaachala Mahatmyam which says: Ananthah Prathamam Roopam Lakshmanascha Tathah Parah | Balabadram Thritheeyasthu Kalou Kaschit Bhavishyathi || (meaning) It is the same who was Adhisesha first, Lakshmana after and Balarama in the third who is born as Sri Ramanuja in the Kali yuga. This Kaschit is taken by our Poorva Acharyas as referring to Ramanuja. Within 16 years of age, he had mastered all the Vedas and Sastras. Ilaya Perumal was placed under the Advaitic Sannyasi called YADAVA PRAKASA at Tirupput kuzhi for training in Advaita Purva Paksha Sastra of Vedanta. Once during this period, Alavandar who desired nominating Ilaya Perumal to succeed himself visited Tirupput kuzhi, met with him but had no opportunity to speak to him and had to return to Srirangam. Ramanuja used to go round the streets for his Biksha. An evil minded fellow had mixed poison in the biksha. His wife while serving the biksha fell at Ramanujas feet with tears in her eyes. Ramanuja understood that there was something wrong. When the Sishyas sorted out the biksha for cooking, they found out that poison was mixed with it. Ramanuja went on a fast with a view to cleanse the mind of the evil-doer. On hearing this, Tirukkoshtiyur Nambi rushed all the way to Srirangam. When Ramanuja heard of the coming of his Guru, he rushed to the banks of River Kaveri to receive him. It was the height of summer. Ramanuja ran towards him in the hot Sun to receive him and fell at his feet on the burning sands on the banks of river Kaveri. Nambi did not ask him to get up. Such was his Acharya Bhakti. At that time , Kidambi Aachaan, who was nearby told Nambi " Your action (in not asking Ramanuja to get up) is worse than the poison mixed in the bikshai". Such was the Acharya bhakti of Ramanujas Sishya !(Like master, like pupil !). Tirukkoshtiyur Nambi exclaimed, " After all, now I can cast off my physical body since I have found one who would take the greatest care of Ramanuja" Ramanuja "was the greatest synoptic thinker which the world ever produced to systematize Visishtadvaitic philosophy, faithfully interpreting the ancient knowledge in tune with the letter and spirit of the text in the light of revelation and experience tested by stern logic"- Ramanuja was the only one to whom Sri Ranganatha submitted both his vibhUtis , nitya and leela and gave the authority of granting moksha. Quote “Vishnu lOka maNi mandapa mArga dAyi” Kanchi Devaraja has reinforced this authority by advising Tirukkachi nambigal that moksham for nambigal is due to his connection with Ramanuja.

A striking quality of Ramanuja was his intense humanism, compassion and charity. To him God was the personification of kindness to both saint and sinner. The true ornaments of a Srivaishnavite, according to Ramanuja, are the qualities of mercy and kindness.

His theology of a compassionate and merciful god is an outward manifestation of his mind and heart imbued with spiritual values and boundless love for humanity. He is thus called by his disciples as Yati-Raja (King of saints), Emperumanar (our Lord).. In his philosophy, no-one is barred from Divine grace and Moksha/Surrender.
I take refuge at the feet of our guru Bhagavaan Ramanuja, that ocean of mercy who, infatuated with the gold-like, lotus feet of the Lord, considered all else (material pursuits) as mere blades of grass. "
Ramanuja was the only one whom Nammalwar acknowledged. He has given the divine statue of Ramanuja to nAthamunigal. And this divine vigraham is the deity at Ramanuja sannidhi at Alwartirunagari even today. Quote ” bhavishyadAcharya varaswarUpam sandarsayamAsa – tam kAri sUnum Saranam prapadye”. This vigraham was held by all our pUrva acharyas in their tiruvaradhanam.

 Ramanuja was the exponent of the Visishtadvaita philosophy or qualified non-dualism. Ramanuja’s Brahman is Sa-visesha Brahman, i.e., Brahman with attributes. According to Ramanuja’s teachings, Lord Narayana or Bhagavan is the Supreme Being; the individual soul is Chit; matter is Achit. Ramanuja regards the attributes as real and permanent, but subject to the control of Brahman. The attributes are called Prakaras or modes. Lord Narayana is the Ruler and Lord of the universe. The Jiva is His servant and worshipper. The Jiva should completely surrender himself to the Lord. The oneness of God is quite consistent with the existence of attributes, as the attributes or Shaktis depend upon God for their existence.




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