Friday, April 7, 2017

Hanuman Jayanti (Baisakha puja.1)

Hanuman Jayanti (Baisakha puja.1)

Hanuman Jayanti

Hanuman Jayanti 2022
6th April thursday

Purnima Tithi Begins - 09..19 (5 April 2023)
Purnima Tithi Ends - 10.04( 6April 2023)

Hanuman Jayanti
Hanuman Jayanti

Hanuman Jayanti Puja Time

In odisha it is observed on maha visubha sankranti 14th  april )

People worship Lord Hanuman as a symbol of devotion, magical powers, strength and energy. People read Hanuman Chalisa as it has ability to conquer the evil spirits and provide peace to the mind. The devotees of Lord Hanuman visit Hanuman temples at this day after a holy in the early morning, apply red tilak (vermillion) to the foreheads of Hanuman idol, read Hanuman Chalisa, offer Prasad of laddoo, do Aarti by chanting mantras and Aarti songs, make round of the temple and so many rituals. As Lord Hanuman was born to the Vanara community having reddish orange color body, that’s why it is seen to all the Hanuman temples having reddish orange colored Hanuman idol. After puja, people apply red Sindur to their own foreheads as a Prasad and distribute laddoo Prasad among people to get blessed with what they have prayed to their God Hanuman.

In the Maharashtra, it is commemorated to the Purnima in the Hindu Lunar month of Chaitra. However, according to other Hindu calendar, it falls on 14th day (chaturdashi) of Ashvin month in the dark fortnight. After puja, Prasad is distributed among people to have full blessings.

In Tamil Nadu and Kerala, it is celebrated in Margazhi month (between December and January) in the belief that Lord Hanuman was born to the amavasya in the Margazhi month. In Odisha, it is celebrated on 1st day in the month of Baisakha (in April)(14th april,). In Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, it is celebrated on 10th day of Vaishaka month in the Krishna Paksha. It is the 41 days long celebration in the Andhra Pradesh which starts from the Chaitra Purnima and ends at 10th days of the Krishna Paksha of Vaishakha month.

To make Hanuman Jayanti , a fruitful day, you can visit Maruti's temple and worship the deity. As a part of the tradition, red tilak (vermilion mark) is applied on the forehead of Hanuman idol and Laddoos (sweet) are offered. Hanuman Chalisa is read and Aarti is sung along with Mantras. After all the rituals are done, devotees apply Sindoor (vermilion) on their own forehead and distribute Laddoos as Prasad (sacred food).

Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated with great fervor and gusto throughout the country. While the celebrations of Hanuman Jayanti differ from state to state, some common events and activities are witnessed throughout the country. These customs and traditions will be seen this year too i.e. on Hanuman Jayanti  Let's take a look into these common ways which will be seen on Hanuman Jayanti

Fruits, especially banana and sweets, are offered to Mahavira.
As Rudra is Vanara (Monkey) God; therefore, monkeys are also honored and served on Hanuman Jayanti.
Hanuman Chalisa is recited and heard by the devotees.
Some men are seen observing fast (Vrat) on Hanuman Jayanti.
Specials programmes (Nautankee) depicting the bravery and courage of Lord Hanuman or Mahavira are also organized on Hanuman Jayanti.
Specials games and competitions are organized by the boxers and wrestlers.

Lord Hanuman: The Pillar of Strength, Courage & Victory

Hanuman Jayanti


Sri Swami Sivananda

Om Sri Hanumate Namah
SRI HANUMAN is worshipped all over India—either alone or together with Sri Rama. Every temple of Sri Rama has the murti or idol of Sri Hanuman. Hanuman was the Avatara of Lord Siva. He was born of the Wind-God and Anjani Devi. He is also called by the names Pavanasuta, Marutsuta, Mahavira, Bajrangabali and Pavankumar.
Hanuman was the living embodiment of the power of Ram-Nam. He was an ideal selfless worker, a true Karma Yogi who worked desirelessly. He was a great devotee and an exceptional Brahmachari or celibate. He served Sri Rama with pure love and devotion, without expecting any fruit in return. He lived only to serve Sri Rama. He was humble, brave and wise. He possessed all the divine virtues. He did what others could not do—crossing the ocean simply by uttering Ram-Nam, burning the demon-king's city of Lanka, and bringing the sanjeevini herb to restore the life of Lakshmana. He brought Sri Rama and Lakshmana from the nether world after killing Ahiravana.
Hanuman possessed devotion, knowledge, spirit of selfless service, power of celibacy, and desirelessness. He never boasted of his bravery and intelligence.
He said to Ravana, "I am a humble messenger of Sri Rama. I have come here to serve Sri Rama, to do His work. By the command of Sri Rama, I have come here. I am fearless by the Grace of Sri Rama. I am not afraid of death. I welcome it if it comes while serving Sri Rama."
See how humble Hanuman was! How deep was his devotion to Sri Rama! He never said, "I am the brave Hanuman. I can do anything and everything."
Sri Rama Himself said to Hanuman, "I am greatly indebted to you, O mighty hero. You did marvellous, superhuman deeds. You do not want anything in return. Sugriva has his kingdom restored to him. Angada has been made the crown prince. Vibhishana has become king of Lanka. But you have not asked for anything at any time. You threw away the precious garland of pearls given to you by Sita. How can I repay My debt of gratitude to you? I will always remain deeply indebted to you. I give you the boon of everlasting life. All will honour and worship you like Myself. Your idol will be placed at the door of My temple and you will be worshipped and honoured first. Whenever My stories are recited or glories sung, your glory will be sung before Mine. You will be able to do anything, even that which I will not be able to!"
Thus did Sri Rama praise Hanuman when the latter returned to Him after finding Sita in Lanka. Hanuman was not a bit elated. He fell in prostration at the holy feet of Sri Rama.
Sri Rama asked him, "O mighty hero, how did you cross the ocean?"
Hanuman humbly replied, "By the power and glory of Thy Name, my Lord."
Again Sri Rama asked, "How did you burn Lanka? How did you save yourself?"
And Hanuman replied, "By Thy Grace, my Lord."
What profound humility Hanuman embodied in himself!
There are many who want wealth in return for their services. Some do not want wealth, but they cannot resist name and fame. Others do not want any of these, but they want approbation. Still others want nothing, but they boast of their deeds. Hanuman was above all these. That is why he is recognised as an ideal Karma Yogi and an unsurpassed adept in Bhakti. His life is full of object lessons. Everyone should try his best to follow the noble example of Hanuman.
His birthday falls on Chaitra Shukla Purnima—the March-April full moon day.
On this holy day worship Sri Hanuman. Fast on this day. Read the Sri Hanuman Chalisa. Spend the whole day in the Japa of Ram-Nam. Hanuman will be highly pleased and will bless you with success in all your undertakings.
Glory to Hanuman! Glory to his Lord, Sri Rama!

Hanuman is the epitome of strength and victory. Bajrangbali (Maruti) can make even the impossible things possible. Dependence of Lord Rama on Mahavira (Rudra) to get the miraculous herb (Sanjeevani Booti) proves that Anjaneya (Hanuman) has courage to do anything impossible.

Not only Sankat Mochan saved the life of Lord Laxman, but also rescued the Navagrahas (nine planets) from the trap of Ravana. Pleased by his act, all the planets blessed Hanuman Ji with the boon that the negative or ill-effects of all the planets can be reduced by praying to Bajrangbali. Therefore, if you are suffering from malefic effects of any planet then praying to Rudra or Mahavira on Hanuman Jayanti  will surely do wonders for you.''

"Sri Hanuman combines in Himself infinite strength and power, with perfect surrender to the will of the Divine. Hanuman is an unconquerable warrior of tremendous prowess, who put himself at the feet of the Lord as an obedient servant, at His disposal. He is always the great Dasa of Rama. His ego was offered up at the feet of the Lord and his strength was utilised in the service of the Lord. This is the finest and noblest use of one’s forces. This leads to the highest good. Where power is abused through selfishness, egoism and materialistic motive, it brings sorrow, suffering, turmoil and confusion. Human activities when divorced from the Divine principle swerve one away from righteousness and bring grief. To keep close to God is the secret of right living, and guarantee of lasting and real welfare."
=== swami chidananda

Rituals Done On Hanuman Jayanti

Each deity should be worshiped in the right way to fetch maximum blessings worshiping Lord Hanuman or Maruti. So, what do you need to perform the Puja rituals for Rudra ? Here is the list:

Hanuman Jayanti Puja Samagri

Idol (Murti) of Lord Hanuman
Vermillion (Sindoor)
Betel nut (Supari)
Jaggery (Gur)
Red cloth
Panchamrit (mixture of milk, honey, yogurt, sugar, and Ghee)

Let's Begin The Puja To Appease Hanuman Ji

To conduct the Puja in the right way and to gain maximum positivity out of it on this Hanuman Jayanti, , follow these steps:

Take the red cloth and place Hanuman's idol on it.
Apply vermilion on the forehead of Kesari Nandan's idol.
Apply vermilion on your forehead.
In front of Mahavira's idol, light incense sticks (Agarbatti) and earthen lamp (Diya).
Now, pour the Panchamrit on Hanuman's idol.
Pour some water on the idol.
Now, take some water in your hand and pray to Bajrangbali and make your wish.

To appease Anjani Putra and honor him, it is very important to pray with pure heart, mind, and soul. Your mind should possess good and pure thoughts. After all these rituals are done; offer flowers, supari, rice, and jaggery to the Lord. Now, recite Hanuman Chalisa and Mantras. We are sure that worshiping Rudra (Bajrangbali) with these rituals will bestow you with blessings and glory of Hanuman or Anjaneya on Hanuman Jayanti

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