Friday, February 3, 2017



Kumbha Sankranti

February 2023

Kumbha Sankranti Punya Kaal Muhurta

The shubh muhurat on Kumbh Sankranti will start from 7 am and will last till 9.58 am. The total duration of Punya Kaal Muhurta will be around 2 hours 57 minutes.

During Kumbha Sankranti offering to cows are considered highly auspicious. Also taking bath in Ganges especially in Triveni where Ganga and Yamuna converge is considered highly auspicious.

In South India Sankranti is called as Sankramanam.

Rituals of the Day

On the day of Kumbha Sankranti, like all other Sankranti devotees should donate all kinds of food items, clothes and other necessities to the Brahmin Pandits.
It is very auspicious to take bath in holy water of the River Ganga on this day to achieve Moksha.
The devotee should pray with a clean heart and meditate to Goddess Ganga for a happy and prosperous life.
People who cannot manage to visit the banks of river Ganga can also take bath in rivers like Yamuna, Godavari and Shipra for removing all sins.
Offerings given to a cow on Kumbha Sankranti are considered auspicious and beneficial to the devotee.

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