Friday, February 10, 2017

Dol Purnima or Dol Jatra(Phalguan.puja.4)

Dol Purnima or Dol Jatra(Phalguan.puja.4)
Purnima Vrat 2023.7th march Tuesday.Phalguna Purnima
Chhoti Holi, Holika Dahan

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Jayanti

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

About Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Jayanti

536th Birth Anniversary of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
It  is a major festival. This festival is dedicated to Sri Krishna. On this auspicious day, an image of Krishna, richly adorned and besmeared with colored powder (Abir), is taken out in procession, in a swinging palanquin, decorated with flowersleaves, colored clothes and papers. The procession proceeds forward to the accompaniment of music, blaring of conch shells, trumpets and shouts of 'Jai' (victory).DOL PURNIMA ON 7th.MARCH2023)
Dol Purnima becomes all the more significant  because this is also the birthday of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1485–1533). He was a great Vaishnava saint, who popularized modern sankirtana. He elevated the passion of Radha and Krishna to a high spiritual plane. He underlined the emotional at the cost of the ceremonial side of devotion. Followers of Chaitanya School of Vaishnavism, believe Chaitanya to be the manifestation of Krishna. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu believed that the essence of sadhana is always the loving remembrance of Hari.

Dol Yatra is celebrated from the ancient times. On this day, some people worship Radha and Krishna and after that people play with colours.
In Bengal,Odisha,Bihar colour powder is called “Phagu”. Shops remain closed on this very auspicious day and everyone gets time to indulge themselves in the festival spirit.
It is also seen in Hindu family that, children’s apply colour powder or phagu on the feet of their elders as a respect and the elder members apply the phagu on the face of the young members on this day.
 Dol Purnima is called Holi. People celebrate it with most joy. People also called Holi as Festival of colours. The importance of Holi is that it brings all regions of people together. On this day, people throw colours on each other
Duration: Generally, Dol festival continues for one or two days depending upon the traditions of the society. But in Mathura and Vrindavan, Dol festival is celebrated for 16 days straight as Lord Krishna belongs to these two places.
Holika Dahan also Kamudu pyre is celebrated by burning Holika, the devil. For many traditions in Hinduism, Holi celebrates the death of Holika in order to save Prahlad, and thus Holi gets its name. In olden days, people use to contribute a piece of wood or two for Holika bonfire.
The night before Holi, pyres are burnt in North India, Nepal and parts of South India in keeping with this tradition
It should also be noted that in some parts of India the day is actually called Holika There are other activities associated with the story of Prahlad, but the burning of Holika is the one that we can most directly associate with Holi. Fire burnt on the eve of Holi (Holika Dahan) symbolizes the burning of Holika. The story as a whole is testament to the power of devotion (bhakta) over the evil represented by King Hiranyakashyapu, as Prahlad never lost his faith.
Prepare Holika pyre for bonfire
Days before the festival people start gathering wood and combustible materials for the bonfire in parks, community centers, near temples and other open spaces. On top of the pyre is an effigy to signify Holika who tricked Prahalad into the fire. Inside homes, people stock up on color pigments, food, party drinks and festive seasonal foods such as gujiya, mathri, malpuas and other regional delicacies.
Holika dahan
On the eve of Holi, typically at or after sunset, the pyre is lit, signifying Holika Dahan. The ritual symbolises the victory of good over evil. People sing and dance around the fire. People also perform parikrama of fire.
The next day people play Holi, the popular festival of colors.
Holika Dahan

Conclusion: Different people celebrate Dol festival in different way. Some celebrate it with colours or some celebrate it with the reunion of family and friends and for some Dol is a festival of eating mouth-watering eatables.

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