Thursday, October 6, 2016

MangalChandika Stotram. मंगल चंडिका स्तोत्रम्(DEVI STOTRA.104)

MangalChandika Stotram. मंगल चंडिका स्तोत्रम्(DEVI STOTRA.104)


Mangala chandika stotram

श्री मंगलचंडिकास्तोत्रम्

श्री मंगलचंडिकास्तोत्रम्
ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं सर्वपूज्ये देवी मङ्गलचण्डिके I
ऐं क्रूं फट् स्वाहेत्येवं चाप्येकविन्शाक्षरो मनुः II
पूज्यः कल्पतरुश्चैव भक्तानां सर्वकामदः I
दशलक्षजपेनैव मन्त्रसिद्धिर्भवेन्नृणाम् II
मन्त्रसिद्धिर्भवेद् यस्य स विष्णुः सर्वकामदः I
ध्यानं च श्रूयतां ब्रह्मन् वेदोक्तं सर्व सम्मतम् II
देवीं षोडशवर्षीयां शश्वत्सुस्थिरयौवनाम् I
सर्वरूपगुणाढ्यां च कोमलाङ्गीं मनोहराम् II
श्वेतचम्पकवर्णाभां चन्द्रकोटिसमप्रभाम् I
वन्हिशुद्धांशुकाधानां रत्नभूषणभूषिताम् II
बिभ्रतीं कबरीभारं मल्लिकामाल्यभूषितम् I
बिम्बोष्टिं सुदतीं शुद्धां शरत्पद्मनिभाननाम् II
ईषद्धास्यप्रसन्नास्यां सुनीलोल्पललोचनाम् I
जगद्धात्रीं च दात्रीं च सर्वेभ्यः सर्वसंपदाम् II
संसारसागरे घोरे पोतरुपां वरां भजे II
देव्याश्च ध्यानमित्येवं स्तवनं श्रूयतां मुने I
प्रयतः संकटग्रस्तो येन तुष्टाव शंकरः II
शंकर उवाच रक्ष रक्ष जगन्मातर्देवि मङ्गलचण्डिके I
हारिके विपदां राशेर्हर्षमङ्गलकारिके II
हर्षमङ्गलदक्षे च हर्षमङ्गलचण्डिके I
शुभे मङ्गलदक्षे च शुभमङ्गलचण्डिके II
मङ्गले मङ्गलार्हे च सर्व मङ्गलमङ्गले I
सतां मन्गलदे देवि सर्वेषां मन्गलालये II
पूज्या मङ्गलवारे च मङ्गलाभीष्टदैवते I
पूज्ये मङ्गलभूपस्य मनुवंशस्य संततम् II
मङ्गलाधिष्टातृदेवि मङ्गलानां च मङ्गले I
संसार मङ्गलाधारे मोक्षमङ्गलदायिनि II
सारे च मङ्गलाधारे पारे च सर्वकर्मणाम् I
प्रतिमङ्गलवारे च पूज्ये च मङ्गलप्रदे II
स्तोत्रेणानेन शम्भुश्च स्तुत्वा मङ्गलचण्डिकाम् I
प्रतिमङ्गलवारे च पूजां कृत्वा गतः शिवः II
देव्याश्च मङ्गलस्तोत्रं यः श्रुणोति समाहितः I
तन्मङ्गलं भवेच्छश्वन्न भवेत् तदमङ्गलम् II
II इति श्री ब्रह्मवैवर्ते मङ्गलचण्डिका स्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् II
श्री मङ्गलचण्डिका स्तोत्रं


This stotra is in Sanskrit. It is in Prakruti-Khanda from BrahmaVaivart Purana (Adhya 44/20-36).
This Stotra starts with a very important and pious Mantra of the Goddess. "Om hrim shrim klim sarvapoojye Devi mangal chandike aiem krum fat swavaha" Everybody is requested to chant/listen this mantra as many times as possible during the rest of the days of Navaratri to receive the blessings from the Goddess Devi Mangal Chandika. All desires of the devotee are fulfilled by chanting this mantra for 10 lakhs (100 thousand) times.
Bhagavati Chandika looks of 16 years always and she is young forever. She is having a soft, tender and attractive body and her mind is filled with all the virtues. She is of a fair complexion and her body colour is like a white Champa (Kind Of flower). Her bodily lustre is like lustre of thousand Moons. She is wearing the clothes and gem ornaments which are purified by fire. She is wearing garland of malika flower in her hairs. Her lips are red like the disc of the sun. Her teeth are very beautiful. Her mouth is like a lotus. She is having a sweet smile on her delighted face. Her both the eyes are attractive and are looking like a full bloomed blue lotus. Here one should all the beauty of a young women and should imagine that the Goddess Mangal Chndika is more beautiful that her.) Bhagavati Chandika gives wealth, money and property and she helps us to bear the worldly duties and obligations. O! Mune! Now listen I am telling you Mangal Chandika Stotram.
God Shiva Said:
Mother of the world, Bhagavati Mangal Chandika you are destroyer of all the difficulties and giver of happiness and blessings. Please help me. Please help me. You are very liberal in giving happiness and blessings. You are Harsha Mangal Chandika. You are Shubha. You are Mangal-Daksha. You are Shubha-Mangal-Chandika. You are Mangala. You are Mangalarha (Giver of blessings). You are also called as Sarva-Mangal-Mangala. O! Goddess, by nature you are helping good people. All people depend on you and surrender you for your blessings. O! Goddess, you are goddess of the planet Mangal (Mars). People should worship you on Tuesday. You are the Goddess of king Mangal who was from Manu-Vansha (family). You give the freedom from worldly bondage. By worshiping you on Tuesday. O! Goddess you are giver of blessings, happiness, wealth, property and everything desired. You are behind the cause (creation) of the world. You are beyond the Karm-Bhoga. God Shiva recited this stotra and worships the Goddess on Tuesday. Then God Shiva acquired the necessary power, energy and blessings from the Goddess Mangal-Chandika to destroy the demon Tripurasur.
Anybody who listens/recites this stotra with devotion, concentration by worshiping the Goddess on every Tuesday receives blessings, happiness, wealth, property and everything desired. She/he becomes a father/mother of good children. Nothing bad will happen in his/her life.
Here ends the Mangal Chandika Stotram which is from Prakruti-Khanda of Brahmavaivart-Purana. (Adhya 44/20-36)



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