Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Shri Bruhaspati Kavacham(Nava graha stotra.8)

Shri Bruhaspati Kavacham(Nava graha stotra.8)

श्री बृहस्पति कवचम्

अस्य श्रीबृहस्पति कवचमहा मन्त्रस्य, ईश्वर ऋषिः,
अनुष्टुप् छन्दः, बृहस्पतिर्देवता,
गं बीजं, श्रीं शक्तिः, क्लीं कीलकम्,
बृहस्पति प्रसाद सिद्ध्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः ॥

अभीष्टफलदं वन्दे सर्वज्ञं सुरपूजितम् । अक्षमालाधरं शान्तं प्रणमामि बृहस्पतिम् ॥

अथ बृहस्पति कवचम्
बृहस्पतिः शिरः पातु ललाटं पातु मे गुरुः ।
कर्णौ सुरगुरुः पातु नेत्रे मेभीष्टदायकः ॥ 1 ॥

जिह्वां पातु सुराचार्यः नासं मे वेदपारगः ।
मुखं मे पातु सर्वज्ञः कण्ठं मे देवतागुरुः ॥ 2 ॥

भुजा वङ्गीरसः पातु करौ पातु शुभप्रदः ।
स्तनौ मे पातु वागीशः कुक्षिं मे शुभलक्षणः ॥ 3 ॥

नाभिं देवगुरुः पातु मध्यं पातु सुखप्रदः ।
कटिं पातु जगद्वन्द्यः ऊरू मे पातु वाक्पतिः ॥ 4 ॥

जानुजङ्घे सुराचार्यः पादौ विश्वात्मकः सदा ।
अन्यानि यानि चाङ्गानि रक्षेन्मे सर्वतो गुरुः ॥ 5 ॥

इत्येतत्कवचं दिव्यं त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेन्नरः । सर्वान् कामानवाप्नोति सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत् ॥
॥ इति श्री बृहस्पति कवचम् ॥


Bruhaspati Kavacham is in Sanskrit. It is recited by Brahamlaya. Ishwar is the rushi, Anushtup is chanda, Guru is Devata, Gam is bija, Shri is Shakti, Klim is kilak of this Bruhaspati Kavacham.
Guru or Jupiter. when not favorable in our horoscope then we
may receive troubles by Guru. Hence this Kavacham is to be recited daily three times to be free from such troubles.

1 I bow to akshamaladhar and very silent Guru. Who gives whatever I wish. Guru knows everything. He is worshiped by gods.

2 Let My head be protected by Bruhaspati. Let my forehead be protected by Guru. Let my ears be protected by Guru of Gods.
Let my eyes be protected by the giver of everything (i. e. Guru).
3 Let my tong be protected by the teacher of Gods. Let my nose be protected by Vedparagaha (i.e. having knowledge of Vedas).
Let my mouth be protected by knower of everything. Let my throat be protected by Master of Gods.
4 Let my arms be protected by Vangirasa. Let my hands be protected by Shubhaprada (i.e. giver of good). Let my teats be protected by Vagisha (i.e. god of talk). Let my kukshi be protected by Shubhalakshana.
5 Let my naval be protected by Kevaguru. Let my middle part of the body be protected by Sukhaprada. Let my loins be protected by Jagtvandya (i.e. worshiped by all). Let my breast be protected by Vagpati.
6 Let my knees and thighs be protected by Suracharyaha. Let my feet be protected by Vishwatmakaha. Let other parts of my body be protected by Guru.
7 This Bruhaspati kavacham by reciting three times every day
We get everything we wish and become victorious by the grace of Brahaspati.
Brahamlaya recited this stotra as above.
If Jupiter (Bruhaspati) is not favorable in the horoscope, then it is requested to recite this Bruhaspati Kavacham daily with concentration, devotion and faith in mind to make the life happy, peaceful and prosperous.


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