Friday, January 8, 2016

Rahu Kavacham(Nava graha stotra.22)

Rahu Kavacham(Nava graha stotra.22)




ध्यानम् प्रणमामि सदा राहुं शूर्पाकारं किरीटिनम् । सैंहिकेयं करालास्यं लोकानामभयप्रदम् ॥ 1॥
। अथ राहु कवचम् ।

नीलाम्बरः शिरः पातु ललाटं लोकवन्दितः ।
चक्षुषी पातु मे राहुः श्रोत्रे त्वर्धशरिरवान् ॥ 2॥

नासिकां मे धूम्रवर्णः शूलपाणिर्मुखं मम ।
जिह्वां मे सिंहिकासूनुः कण्ठं मे कठिनाङ्घ्रिकः ॥ 3॥

भुजङ्गेशो भुजौ पातु नीलमाल्याम्बरः करौ ।
पातु वक्षःस्थलं मन्त्री पातु कुक्षिं विधुन्तुदः ॥ 4॥

कटिं मे विकटः पातु ऊरू मे सुरपूजितः ।
स्वर्भानुर्जानुनी पातु जङ्घे मे पातु जाड्यहा ॥ 5॥

गुल्फौ ग्रहपतिः पातु पादौ मे भीषणाकृतिः ।
सर्वाण्यङ्गानि मे पातु नीलचन्दनभूषणः ॥ 6॥

राहोरिदं कवचमृद्धिदवस्तुदं यो
भक्त्या पठत्यनुदिनं नियतः शुचिः सन् ।
प्राप्नोति कीर्तिमतुलां श्रियमृद्धि-
मायुरारोग्यमात्मविजयं च हि तत्प्रसादात् ॥ 7॥
॥ इति श्रीमहाभारते धृतराष्ट्रसञ्जयसंवादे द्रोणपर्वणि राहुकवचं सम्पूर्णम् ॥



Rahu Kavacham is in Sanskrit. It is from Shri Mahabaharat. It has arisen from the discussion in between Dhrutarashtra and Sanjay. Whenever Rahu is not favorable in the horoscope, by reciting Rahu Kavacham all troubles are vanished and Money, power, fame, name and all happiness is received. Rahu is supposed to be unfavorable when it is badly placed in the horoscope or Rahu is found with Mangal (Mars) who is number one enemy of Rahu.
Chandrama is the rushi of Rahu Kavacham. Anustup is the Chanda. Raam is the bija. namaha is the Shakti. Svaaha is the kilakam. This Rahu Kavacham is recited for Rahu so that all troubles rising because Rahu is badly placed in the horoscope are removed.
1)I always bow to Rahu whose crown is like winnowing fan. He is son of sihika i.e. Lioness. He removes troubles of people.
2)Let my head be protected by Nilambar (he, who has worn blue cloths.). Let my forehead be protected by Lokavandita. (People always bow to him hence Rahu is called as Lokavandita.). Let my eyes be protected by Rahu. Let my ears be protected by ArdhaSharirvan (he, who has only body and no head.).
3)Let my nose be protected by DhumravarNa. (He, who has smoke color body,). Let my mouth be protected by ShoolaPaNi. Let my tong be protected by son of lioness. Let my throat be protected by KaThinaaghrika.
4)Let my arms be protected by God of serpents. Let my hands be protected by Nilamalyambara. (He, who has worn blue color garlands and blue clothes,) Let my breast be protected by Mantri. Let my kukshi be protected by vidhuntuda. (Rahu is destroyer of the Moon; hence he is called as vidhuntuda.)
5)Let my waist be protected by Vikata. Let my breast be protected by Surpoojita. (He, who is worshiped by Gods,) Let my knees be protected by SvaBhanu. Let my thigh be protected by Jadyaha.
6)Let my ankle be protected by Grahpati. Let my feet be protected by Bhishanakruti. Let all my other parts of the body be protected by Nil, Chandan bhushana. (Rahu, who is Blue and Sandal pest, is applied on his body.)
7)Whosoever recites this Rahu Kavacham with devotion and faith, every day will receive Money, Fame and name, long healthy life and spiritual knowledge by the blessing of Rahu Bhagwan.

Thus here completes the Rahu Kavacham. It is from Shri MahaBharat and and it has arisen through the discussion of Dhrutarashtra and Sanjay at the time of DronParvani.

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